The Lemmy & Zimmy Show

One rose out of New York City’s Greenwich Village coffeehouse scene after relocating from his Minnesota roots. The other cut his teeth playing Manchester rock clubs at the height of Beatlemania and was briefly a roadie for the Jimi Hendrix Experience. One wrote lyrically dense and ambitious songs that became American standards like “The Times They Are a-Changin’,” “Blowin’ In The Wind,” and “Chimes Of Freedom.” The other wrote “Go To Hell,” “Eat The Rich,” and “Orgasmatron.” One toured until he literally couldn’t stand up at the mike any more, and soon passed away; the other is alive and well and still toying with the Nobel Committee like a cat with a wounded mouse.

In many ways Bob Dylan (the “voice of his generation” folk-rocking singer-songwriter who was born Robert Zimmerman) and Lemmy (the hard-living vocalist / bassist / bandleader of thrash-metal kings Motörhead who was born Ian Fraser Kilmister) could not be more different. Yet they shared this: both were/are notorious iconoclasts, artists who made up their own rules to live by and sneered at anyone who suggested they do otherwise.

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The other thing these two iconic figures have in common is the admiration of one Christopher Thelen, founder of the Daily Vault, who one day not so long ago whispered in Editor Jason Warburg’s ear “Hey… I’ve got something for you.” “Something” turned out to be a cache of no less than 39 reviews of Dylan and Motörhead releases filling in most of the remaining gaps in our coverage of both artists.

Because, you see, Chris is a lot like both Lemmy and Zimmy in that one respect… they make up their own rules, and the rest of us are just along for the ride. Join us for the next 39 or so weekdays as we publish Chris’ entire “stash” for the first time. It’s gonna be quite a ride…

By dvadmin

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