Ten Questions With Chris Cubeta

As a writer, you’re often told that a particular artist is great.  “Oh man, you’ve GOT to check them out — they’re gonna be HUGE!”  Most of the time it turns out to be hype.

Cynicism aside, The Daily Vault’s own Jason Warburg spoke highly of the Brooklyn-based Chris Cubeta & The Liars Club to me quite some time ago.  He told of Chris’ charm and wit and talent, and they do shine through in his songs.  But I would be out of town every time the band would be gigging around town in New York, NY.

While I will be out of town again (honestly!!!) when Chris plays Manhattan’s The Living Room on Saturday, November 17th, I did have the chance to run some to-the-point Q&A with Chris.  Chris will be gigging in support of a new EP titled Change and will be joined onstage by members of his band The Liars Club, as well as Emily Easterley.  Yours truly aside, it’s a “be there or be square” scenario…

The Daily Vault: How would you describe Chris Cubeta & The Liars Club to someone who’s never heard your band? 

Chris Cubeta: Lyrically-driven rock.

2.  What do you wish more people knew about you and The Liars Club?

I just wish more people knew about us! (laughter)

3.  Your MySpace describes your band’s influences as “Pizza, Sushi, and Fat Free Cheese” — beyond cuisine, what was it that made you want to become a musician? 

My close friends and family and of course all of the great Artists who have inspired me over the years in music, film and literature.

4.  While on the topic of your MySpace, in looking at some of your friends, I see Ian Love, who’s a post-hardcore rocker from Rival Schools (and later Cardia), turned singer-songwriter.  There’s also Josh Moore, who’s a post-hardcore rocker from Classic Case, turned singer-songwriter.  Do you think the evolution of artists like Ian and Josh is a natural evolution of growing older and wiser? 

Actually, I think you might have the wrong Josh Moore, but as far as Ian goes…I don’t think it has much to do with being older and wiser.  I think it’s just at different points in your life you feel the need to express yourself in different ways.

5.  Does the title Change mean you’re more apt to change?  If so, how does that make you feel about the evolution of the music industry into its current state of unpredictability? 

The title isn’t really about me as much as it is about how important that particular word is.  I’m not sure that change is always good or bad, I just know that it is inevitable.  Kind of like taxes and death!  As far as the music industry goes, fuck ’em! Music is for people, not industry….


6.  For your upcoming gig at The Living Room, what’s to be expected?  Any differences between that as an album release show and any other rock show with your band?

The show on the 17th will be a bit more toned down than our usual live band show.  I will be doing quite a few songs on my own.  We have a few guests coming up to sing and play with me that I am really excited about.  One is my friend Danny, who co-writes with me.  One of the songs on the new CD is a collaboration between us.  Of course the Liars Club will be joining me on stage as well.  

7.  This year brought your first proper East Coast tour.  Is more touring to be expected in 2008? 

Yes, we hope to do a small tour in the spring and a nationwide tour next August and September.

8.  Do you have any goals for Change?

Get it to as many people as possible and hope they like it.

9.  When do you expect to begin a follow-up release to Change?

We’ll begin working on the next full-length album with the Liars Club in late winter with a hopeful summer release date…

10.  Finally, Chris, any last words for the kids? 

Stay off the Pokemon and pick up a book!  I wish I would have…..

[Many thanks to Danny Lanzetta for arranging this interview.]

By Darren Paltrowitz

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