You Are Freaking Me Out – Christopher Thelen

You Are Freaking Me Out
Ignition Records, 1998
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Mar 24, 1998

Without the sudden rise to fame by Green Day a few years ago,
one wonders what would have happened to some of the power-pop punks
that are enjoying the fruits of success.

Take Samiam, a group who already had received exposure from one
major label (their album
Clumsy was released on Atlantic), if not the support they
needed to make it to the big time. With the release of their sixth
album (and first for Ignition Records)
You Are Freaking Me Out, Jason Beebout and crew show they’re
close to being ready to take the prime-time world of music by

There’s no questioning the musical talents of these five guys.
Beebout knows when to raise his vocal from a softer whisper to a
powerful bellow (though he doesn’t resort to lung-piercing screams
– score one for him there). The two-guitar attack of James Brogan
and Sergie Loobkoff is tight and powerful; they know just when to
set their axes for maximum shred. Bassist Aaron Rubin and drummer
M.P. round out the sound.

And there’s no questioning that Samiam can write some great
songs – though a tip of the skullcap has to go to producer Steven
Haigler as well for bringing out the best in these guys. The
leadoff track “She Found You” demonstrates the band’s power with a
guitar hook. Even better examples are found on “Factory,” “”If You
Say So,” “Mr. Walker” and “Charity”.

Yeah, Bob, but what do they sound like? Imagine, for a moment,
if the Foo Fighters didn’t have Dave Grohl – that’s kind of what
Samiam is like. Punk, but approachable – the kind of band you’d
have a beer with, then break the bottle over a band member’s head
for fun.

If there is any weakness on
You Are Freaking Me Out, it is that the band is unable to
maintain such a level of high quality for the entire album. This is
not to say that songs like “Out Of My Mind” are in any way bad –
not at all. But by the time you hit the obligatory Beatles cover
(“Cry Baby Cry”), it almost feels like you’ve listened to two
different albums – it just doesn’t always seem to meld the way
Samiam would like it to.

Is this a fault? Hardly – there are hundreds of bands who would
like to get close to the power these guys whip out in under 45
minutes. If anything, it’s the last remaining sign that this band
has a little more maturing to go. Again, this isn’t meant as a slam
– but they have had a rather wild ride while flirting with
mainstream acceptance, and this is a positive step forward the band
has taken. (I have
Clumsy in the Pierce Archives – though it’s been a while
since I dusted it off, I don’t remember it setting my ears ablaze
You Are Freaking Me Out did.)

And despite their definite overtones of being radio-friendly
(which they indeed are), I think that some program directors might
be scared to try Samiam on their stations after the last two Green
Day albums stiffed. (Don’t remind me about Green Day’s big hit on
the radio now –
Nimrod was a commercial flop.) Three – no, make that four –
words: take a chance, wimps! (Funny, I always thought the whole
purpose of radio – besides being one humongous executive ass-kiss –
was to introduce new music to people. Having spent time in radio, I
should know.)

Should radio pick up the gauntlet and give
You Are Freaking Me Out a chance, it may be just the impetus
Samiam needs to get noticed – and may be the final step they need
towards making the great American album. Until then,
You Are Freaking Me Out is a portrait of what is just on the


Rating: B

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