Wood – Duke Egbert

The Bottom Line / Velvel Records, 1998
Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on Dec 1, 1998

In some ways, bands that get cult followings produce better,
more consistent music than big name artists. Certainly, ‘cult
bands’ can depend on a loyal core of fans who love them for what
they are, rather than expecting them to be something that’ll get
the Billboard numbers and the radio plays. Moxy Früvous is one
of those bands; the Canadian quartet has developed a small, loyal
group of “Früheads” since their 1992 debut. Moxy Früvous
has been variously described as a cross between Rockapella, They
Might Be Giants, and BareNaked Ladies, the Beatles on a lot of
acid, and Canadian; this does pretty well cover the spectrum of
what they are, with songs ranging from the utterly serious to the
utterly facetious, laced with political and social commentary.

Früvous’ career began with a self-produced independent
cassette in 1992, and took off in Canada with the release of
Bargainville in 1993, fueled by humourous, poppy singles
like “King of Spain”. So when
Wood was released in Canada in 1994, Canadian fans were
taken a bit aback. What was this, a
serious CD? Its reception was, at best, lukewarm. American
audiences, on the other hand, snapped up import copies, and the
band’s touring schedule now focuses on American venues.

Now that
Wood has been released in the States (on October 13,
finally), it’s easier to get. And it’s a good thing; this CD
is one of the tightest, most elegant works of pop music I’ve heard
in a very long time. Moxy is a two-sided band, and
Wood brings their ability as serious artists into focus. The
CD starts with “Down From Above”, the released single, a look at
religion, media, and the modern day — but it is the next two
tracks that snap the sound into place and practically take your
breath away. “Horseshoes” and “Fly” are glittering, arching works;
Moxy’s four-part harmonies are as complex as any a cappella group,
and backed with competent and confident instrumental work, they
create songs that stay in your mind long after the CD quiets. “Fly”
in particular is bittersweet and powerful, a rare look at those
breakups that both sides
know have to happen.

Other notable tracks include “On Her Doorstep”, a ballad
reminiscent of Elvis Costello at his most reflective; “Misplaced”,
with the poignant string line by guest violinist Danny Levin; and
“It’s Too Cold”, a musical examination of what happens when you
step too far away from the rest of the human race. There -are- no
weak tracks on this CD; if there is any complaint at all to be had
about it, it’s that sometimes Moxy becomes too erudite for easy
accessibility, the music laced with very slight overtones of
college sophomore intellectual snobbery. However, the cascade of
crystalline voices more than eliminates any residual bad taste. If
you have a liking for Beatleesque pop, guitars, harmonies, and
wordplay, then
Wood is for you.

Rating: A

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