Wild Weekend – Christopher Thelen

Wild Weekend
Virgin Records, 1989
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Mar 31, 1999

It’s hard to believe that it’s been so long since I reviewed
NRBQ, a band who thoroughly impressed me the last time I faced them
You Gotta Be Loose. But when you’re entering the picture as
late in the game as I am (NRBQ is well into its fourth decade
creating music), it’s sometimes intimidating to find a place to
pick up the ball and start running.

Fortunately, I remembered an album that came out when I was
still a DJ in college – 1989’s
Wild Weekend. (I seem to remember that reviewer Tom Lancing,
who I went to college with, stole that disc from the radio station.
Good move.) What better a place to re-enter the picture with the
album that was probably their most promoted effort ever? And while
the twelve tracks on this tape do often highlight the power of
these four quirky musicians, sometimes the effort comes off
sounding – how do I say this? – too polished.

The band – keyboardist/vocalist Terry Adams, guitarist/vocalist
Al Anderson, bassist/vocalist Joey Spampinato and drummer Tom
Ardolino – dared to take the hit from the Runnin’ Rebels in the
’50s and put words to it. “It’s A Wild Weekend” is a track that
takes some listening to get used to, especially if you grew up to
hearing the original instrumental, but it turns out to be a decent
enough track. However, it is hardly the best work on the album.

That honor is reserved for a few songs. “Little Floater” is an
incredible song about a not-so-strange subject for us menfolk – the
love of an automobile. Musically, this is a wonderfully structured
song that shines from note one to the very end. Likewise, “If I
Don’t Have You” is a sweet love song – this time to a woman – that
is gentle and emotional. While it’s faster tempo guarantees you
won’t hear this one on “Love Notes”, it’s just as worthy a track. I
also happen to like “The One And Only,” another song that shows off
the musicianship of this band.

In fact, for about three-fourths of the way, NRBQ sails through
Wild Weekend with tracks that are, at the worst, above
average. “Boozoo, That’s Who!” is a little goofy lyric-wise, but is
a nice tribute to zydeco legend Boozoo Chavis – who guests on the
track. The only other weaker link, “Poppin’ Circumstance,” is an
okay track, but isn’t of the same caliber as the other wonders that
make up most of this album.

It’s only at the end of
Wild Weekend that things stumble for NRBQ. “Fraction Of
Action” just falls flat, while “Like A Locomotive” doesn’t do
anything for me. Sadly, these tracks do take away from the overall
power that this album has.

And what about my saying that NRBQ sounded too polished on
Wild Weekend? Simple: Even with my limited knowledge of
NRBQ, I expect to hear a little grit in the songs, almost as if
they’re constantly works of art in the making. “Boozoo, That’s
Who!” does have a little of this texture. Who knows, maybe hearing
more down-and-dirty versions of tracks like “If I Don’t Have You”
would have ruined things for me.

Wild Weekend is a decent, if slightly flawed, effort from
NRBQ, and it unfortunately spelled the end of their association
with major-name labels. Too bad; had they been properly marketed,
they’d be a household name instead of the nation’s biggest
underground band. I don’t know if this one is still in print, but
it’s a nice starting point for those who want to understand what
NRBQ is all about.

Rating: B

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