Uncivilization – Christopher Thelen

Sanctuary Records, 2001
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Sep 25, 2001

It’s been a long time since I listened to Biohazard – so long,
in fact, that I still remember getting their self-titled release
when I was in radio, listening to it once, and not particularly
liking it. I never really got into the New York hardcore scene –
not because I didn’t like it or the music, but I just never
developed an interest in it – an exception made for the group
Helmet. (In retrospect, that’s kind of a strange admission to make,
especially seeing some of the musical genres I listen to now for

Uncivilization, the latest disc from vocalist/bassist Evan
Seinfeld and company, could well change my mind about the hardcore
scene. An interesting combination of anger, melody and even a
little rap thrown in for spice, Biohazard dare to suggest that
groups like Limp Bizkit didn’t create their musical style; rather,
they liberally borrowed from the pioneers.

In a sense, you can understand where a lot of the anger the band
– Seinfeld, vocalist/guitarist Billy Graziadei, lead guitarist Leo
Curley and drummer Danny Schuler – have, watching all these other
bands hit the big-time while Biohazard has been kept out of reach
of the brass ring.
Uncivilization shatters those restraints, and demands that
this band be taken for real, albeit on their own terms. With tracks
like “Get Away,” “Domination,” “Trap” and “Plastic,” it’s hard to
argue. (Interesting, though, to note that Slipknot – one of the
bands who had to have learned some of their stuff from Biohazard –
makes a guest appearance on “Domination”.)

The disc, though, is not the easiest to approach on the first
try. It’s not the heaviness of the songs or the seething cauldron
of anger that is these four musicians. Instead, it’s the feel that
many of the early songs aren’t the most approachable for the
listener. (It would be hard to call any track listener-friendly on
this disc, but the strange staccato rhythm pattern that opens
“Uncivilization” takes some time to get used to.) Once you’ve
accustomed yourself to what Biohazard is trying to accomplish,
though, it’s like the floodgates are opened.

Sometimes, though,
Uncivilization has the feeling of being a tad crowded – not
totally surprising, seeing the number of guest shots on this disc.
From rapper Sen Dog of Cypress Hill fame (on “Last Man Standing”)
to Pantera screamer Phil Anselmo (on “H.F.F.K.” – not the track to
play at full volume in the office), and over a half-dozen others
sandwiched in between, it occasionally feels like Biohazard is
running the risk of losing control of their own project.
Fortunately, though, they’re able to reel things in with enough

Biohazard have been riding the fringes of the hardcore/hard rock
world for some time now, and with
Uncivilization they declare they’re tired of waiting for
their turn at the big musical dance. This disc proves their time in
the spotlight is well-deserved.

Rating: B

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