Ultimo Capo – Tom Haugen

Ultimo Capo
Snappy Little Numbers Records, 2021
Reviewed by Tom Haugen
Published on Nov 5, 2021

A Denver band who is well versed in the heavier side of the equation, the instrumental Native Daughters may lack a vocalist, but they more than make up for that with their post-metal, punk, and hardcore ways. With two drummers on hand, Tom Chagolla and Colin Madden, who also handle keys and samples respectively, both Justin Hackl and Justin Sanderson bring guitars to the formula, while Gene Martinez holds down bass.

The 12” EP starts with the fuzzed out and pounding drums of “War And Ghee.” A firm, even intimidating opening track, the thick atmosphere points at metal and hardcore, but near the end trims the intensity back with moments of well-timed keys and then eventually fades out with warm acoustic guitar.

The middle track, “Natural Sisters,” is equally hard-hitting, even ominous, where shimmering moments of post-rock enter the chugging climate. Certainly riff heavy and often with nods to the mid '90s, this EP highlight balances tension with grace that allows each member's respective talents to be illuminated.

The cleverly titled “Girth Crisis” exits the listen (at least I assume it's a wink wink and nudge nudge towards Earth Crisis), and presents an angular, pretty landscape that embraces current indie rock sensibilities. The finisher doesn't shy away from melodies either, nor does it dynamic interplay between the musicians, and it also brings a unique intimacy into the band's exceptional attention to detail.

An extremely detailed listen that's layered with fascinating, swirling, and thundering musicianship, there's much mystery, darkness, and power to be found across this quick listen. Each subsequent listen yields new finds for the listener, as there's just so much going on within each track.

Physically, this is a one sided 12” EP, where the opposite side of the vinyl is etched artwork. And speaking of artwork, the cover is done by Brian Profilio and it's just as impressive as the music, which is no easy feat.

Rating: A

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