Traveling With Lady Berlin – Christopher Thelen

Traveling With Lady Berlin
Clown Milk Records, 2000
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Jan 3, 2001

Listening to The Alice Project’s sophomore release
Traveling With Lady Berlin, I’m struck with a sense of deja
vu… though at least it’s a pleasant one.

I can’t help but sense that I’ve heard Alice Leon and crew
before, though it’s been with different bands and different members
(none of which included Leon, of course). It’s not an unpleasant
experience by any means, but it leaves me wondering what this band
has that sets them apart from so many other groups with a similar
sound. And in the end, I can’t find that one thread of
difference… and that’s the only thing that bothers me.

Oh, it’s not that The Alice Project have failed on this
nine-song, 33-minute effort. Tracks such as “Lady Berlin,” “8-10
Parliament Street” and “Marilyn’s Things” all have a Sixpence None
The Richer-like vibe when it comes to pop sensibility, and these
tracks could easily fit in to any playlist without any listener
knowing that The Alice Project wasn’t on a major label. The overall
sound, songwriting and performances are that solid.

And yet, I’m not fully convinced. Tracks like “Uncle,” “I’m Not
Afraid To Live” and “How I Wish” often find themselves fading into
the background, not getting the full attachment that the band seems
to have on other songs. It’s not that they don’t believe in these
numbers as much; it’s that they don’t have the same emotional power
as the solid tracks do. So while they’re pleasing enough to the
ears, they’re also not as memorable… and The Alice Project is the
kind of band who should be writing songs that are memorable for the

So what does this mean for the group? Simply this: they have to
keep working at their craft. I have no doubt that the band is good,
and I certainly wouldn’t discourage anyone from checking
Traveling With Lady Berlin out. But something tells me that
while this disc has many great moments, it’s still not all that The
Alice Project can be. If they push themselves harder when it comes
to album number three and write songs that have the same craftiness
and emotional power as “Marilyn’s Things,” this band will be on a
collision course for stardom faster than you can say Leigh

Until then, though,
Traveling With Lady Berlin is by no means a bad effort, and
is worth checking out.

Rating: B-

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