Tranceatlantic Love – Duke Egbert

Tranceatlantic Love
Serge Entertainment, 2003
Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on Sep 24, 2004

Jeanette Romeu, aka Galaxy Girl, is a self-described ‘electronic
Trance diva’. I admit to liking trance music a lot; while it’s not
something I’m likely to put on to keep me awake on a long drive,
it’s great nighttime or working music — it slips into the
background, adding content without being terribly disruptive. So I
was pretty pleased when I was sent the latest CD from Galaxy Girl,
Tranceatlantic Love, despite the anime-styled art on the CD.
(Most anime gives me hives. But that’s another story.). After
giving it a few listens, I’m convinced that Galaxy Girl may have
some stardom in her future.

What makes or breaks trance, in the end, is whether or not it
can keep your interest. Too many trance-artist wannabees think the
best way to get a dance club hit is to keep hitting the same key on
their synthesizer repeatedly until someone either offers them a
recording contract or puts them out of their misery. Not so Galaxy
Girl; she mixes sounds with delicacy and variety, and never really
makes you zone out and lose interest. Add to that her vocals —
which far from being the normal aetherial half-hidden stuff typical
to trance, have some real emotion to them — and you’ve got some
pretty fascinating music.

The whole CD is worth listening to, but I particularly liked the
Indian-styled melody of “Nice Trip”; the throbbing bass and funk of
“India – Color My World”; the odd phasing of “Breaking Through”;
and the sheer exuberance of “La Fiesta.” If the CD has a flaw, it’s
the one inherent to the entire genre; after a while, all the beats
begin to blur into one. Depending on your feelings about trance,
that may in fact be an advantage, not a flaw — but I would be
remiss if I didn’t mention it.

If you like trance, this CD is definitely worth checking out.
Perhaps you, too, need a little
Tranceatlantic Love — and Galaxy Girl is the one to give it
to you.

Rating: A-

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