Traditions – Christopher Thelen

The Right Stuff Records, 1999
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Dec 8, 1999

It almost seems unbelievable that it has taken Bobby Womack this
long to release a Christmas album – but his recently-released disc
Traditions is indeed his first foray into the holiday music

For someone who is a cornerstone in modern soul music, it’s that
much more surprising. And once you listen to this disc, you’ll
realize that it was worth the wait, as Womack shows some people
just what it means to record Christmas music with a more urban
flavor. There are very few mistakes made on this disc, and is a
pleasant surprise addition to the market this year.

Womack kicks things off with an original composition, “Dear
Santa Claus,” a track that is both charming in its lyrical content
as it is solid in its performance. He later puts an interesting
spin on the same track when Cheyenne Womack makes her recording
debut, turning the song into a letter to Santa asking that her
father be given his own toys – to keep him from the gifts left for
her. (“I swear, I was just making sure the batteries were installed
correctly, sweetheart…”)

Womack puts his own spin on many of the holiday’s classic songs
– and he comes close to making them his own. Songs like “White
Christmas,” “Joy To The World,” “Silent Night” and “O Holy Night”
all benefit from the gospel-tinged backgrounds that Womack brings
to the music. If I had any one complaint, it would be that I wish
Womack had tried to hold out the higher notes on “O Holy Night” to
punctuate the hymn. Otherwise, no matter where you live, you might
find yourself surprised at just how charmingly addictive Womack’s
version of Christmas soul really is.

Even tipping his hat to the upcoming new year, Womack turns
“Auld Lang Syne” into a gospel-like celebration that is sure to get
you clapping your hands in joy. The fact is that, with only one
exception, Womack plows through these songs like a snowblower with
ease, and infuses them all with the joy of both the season and the
genre he’s both helped create and master.

Ah, the one exception. In a way, it’s really not a big deal, but
the electronics that turn his voice into something reminiscent of
Alvin and the Chipmunks on “Jingle Bells” is surprisingly annoying.
Oh, sure, it probably kept the children’s choir interested and
focused on the song, but it’s rather strange hearing Womack’s
normal vocals in the background and the high-pitched robot-like
voice up front in the mix. It’s almost as if Womack had one of
those megaphones that alters your voice, and was playing with it in
the studio. Sorry, Bobby, but cute as it might have seemed at the
time, it might have been a good idea to take it out in the final

Still, this is one minor point on an otherwise excellent album –
and, might I add, one that easily could put any hip-hop based
Christmas album to shame.
Traditions is a disc that will soon live up to its name, as
families will undoubtedly make this disc one of the Christmas
albums they will make sure to listen to each holiday season. It
might have taken Womack a long time to get to this kind of a
project, but he can at least take comfort in the fact that it’s 99
percent perfect.

Rating: A

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