Toys In The Attic – Bill Ziemer

Toys In The Attic
Columbia Records, 1975
Reviewed by Bill Ziemer
Published on Jan 28, 1997

Aerosmith’s third release,
Toys In The Attic, was the album that vaulted the band into
the mainstream, and made them a staple of U.S. rock radio. Before
this album hit the shelves, their first two albums didn’t receive
much attention.

The instant this one begins spilling out the speakers of your
stereo system, a few things will begin to happen. Your eyebrows
will raise, the hairs on the top of your head will stand on end,
and your eyes will glow wildly. These effects will be followed by a
feeling of euphoria, uncontrolable drooling, and screaming. For
this a rock album at it’s best. It’s pure, straight-forward,
churning, yet intricate enough to allow hundreds of listens.

Toys In The Attic contains two of the band’s most notable
(and overplayed) songs, “Walk This Way” and “Sweet Emotion”. After
these songs became huge successes, earlier recordings like “Dream
On” from the first album, and “Same Old Song And Dance” from
Get Your Wings became mega hits as well. “Sweet Emotion” and
“Walk This Way” are still very popular, and still receive quite a
bit of airplay in the U.S. Because of this, it’s easy to overlook
the other gems that this album contains.

The title track is a fast paced rocker with a surreal touch. On
this track, Aerosmith pioneers recording techniques that became a
feature of their next album,
Rocks. “Uncle Salty” is a tricky little track that continues
to fool me, even today. Just when you think the song is going to
break loose, it follows another road and another unusual turn. The
result is addictive, with the result being many repeats of the same
track. “No More, No More” may be their most unnoticed song. It’s a
great rocker in the purest sense, with Rolling Stones-like chord
changes at the leadout of the song that leaves you wishing the song
would continue.

Perhaps the most notable feature of this classic album is the
fact that is never loses any steam. It ends just as nicely as it
begins, with quality material. Even some of the greatest albums
ended side two with bogus filler tracks. Not
Toys In The Attic. If this album is buried somewhere in your
collection, pop it out and give it a spin. There’s a lot of
rewarding material in there.

Rating: B+

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