To Serve Man – Christopher Thelen

To Serve Man
Metal Blade Records, 2002
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Aug 2, 2001

Let’s put the bold statement out on the table right at the start
of the review: Grindcore is dead. Finished. I don’t recall hearing
a new idea in this genre for at least the last five years. These
are not the ramblings of an anti-metal crusader; this is coming
from someone who fell in love with the glorious noise that is
Napalm Death when I was in college, and who still enjoys metal with
a lightning-fast backbone.

But grindcore – at least these days – leaves out one major
key… namely, songwriting. More often, it seems like bands are
playing fast just because they can, and they back it up by throwing
in unintelligible grunts and lyric sheets filled with concepts
which would make Stephen King puke.

Cattle Decapitation is today’s example of what I’m referring to.

To Serve Man, their debut release, is touted as being a
macabre masterpiece. What it comes off as being, at least to my
ears, is a whole lot of nothing. Mindless head-bashing songs with
no structure thrown into hyperdrive is not songwriting. At least
early grindcore bands actually tried to throw a little skill into
their work.

David Aster’s trap work is less drumming than it is machine gun
fire, rarely deviating from a set pattern which could have been
programmed into a robot to play. Bassist Troy Oftdeal is heard one
time, and then is so badly distorted that his contributions to this
disc are minimal, if not non-existent. Guitarist Josh Elmore never
seems like he’s given a real chance to show whatever talents he may
have, trapped in limited song structure that gives almost no room
for true soloing. And vocalist Travis Ryan? Well… let’s put it
this way. If I had even understood one word of what he was saying,
I’d probably still be upchucking, especially after reading the
lyric sheet. (Then again, one doesn’t pick up a disc with song
titles like “Land Of The Severed Meatus,” “Testicular Manslaughter”
and “Colonic Vilius Biopsy Performed On The Gastro-intestinally
Incapable” and expect to hear Romper Room-type songs.)

When you get right down to it, it’s not the lyrical content that
bothers me – Lord knows I’ve heard enough doing this job where I’ve
got about the same iron-clad constitution as Jack Klugman in
Quincy, M.E. It’s more the poor approach to the whole
process that Cattle Decapitation takes in regards to their music.
There isn’t enough musicianship to make these songs interesting.
Morbid Angel, for example, writes songs which not only have the
occasional lyric you can understand, but have some real structure.
There is an actual
tune behind the musical ferocity. Anyone can throw a guitar
down the stairs to make it sound musical; it takes a real musician
to make that chunk of wood sound good when you play it fast. Cattle
Decapitation has yet to learn this.

If you’re offered
To Serve Man, tell them to take it back and bring you
something that’s well done.

Rating: D-

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