This Town Is Murder – Tammy Childs

This Town Is Murder
Chapter Records, 2004
Reviewed by Tammy Childs
Published on Feb 11, 2005

The entertainment world is a harsh place for independent
thinkers. And in music, particularly, it is a dog-eat-dog business.
Autonomous artists have the flexibility of creative freedom and
artistic control, but must battle for recognition within the masses
of contemporary artists that have managed to land a record

Coming out of Allentown, Pennsylvania, the band called The House
Lights comprehends what it takes to make it in the real rock-world.
Beginning as Four Minute Mile, they have now evolved into a feisty,
dedicated foursome of men that, first and foremost, really just
want to share their music. When I asked the reasons for choosing
music as their creative outlet, Kyle Campbell (vocals and guitar)
responded, “I just don’t have the body to be a Chippendale’s
dancer.” But like the other three members — John Timko (guitar and
vocals), Leo Wasielewski (bass) and Travis Turner (drums) —
Campbell acknowledges that the creative outlet chose them, rather
than the other way around.

This indie band debuts with the album
This Town Is Murder. Lyrically strong and forthright, they
begin with “Proclamation.” These guys know how to express
themselves not only through music but also by word (Kyle is the
lyrics man). In a twisted sort of way, their harmonies are
reminiscent of the Beatles and this is most evident on “Box
Cutter.” Going in a different direction and softening things a bit,
“The Shape I’m In” is my favorite of the album. “Against These
Valley Walls” changes shape and delivers a repetitive onslaught of
music. “Beat the Dragon” immediately returns you back to the same
style expressed on all the remaining cuts.

Reluctantly, I must admit this album doesn’t really provide
enough variety for me; the music is too repetitious. But I find
that often occurs in today’s rock genre. That doesn’t mean that I
didn’t like their musical offering; I actually did. It is obvious
they have put forth a lot of energy and thought into their work —
it’s peppered with integrity and legitimate effort. Untethered and
unconcerned about the future, they will undoubtedly generate for
themselves a devout fan following. I look forward to future
endeavors, and to watching this group continue to grow creatively
and follow their musical imaginations down a path that’s already
etched for them.

Rating: B

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