Think Tank – Adam Mico

Think Tank
Virgin Records, 2003
Reviewed by Adam Mico
Published on Oct 17, 2003

More than four years have passed since Blur’s
13. The band that defined the Brit-pop genre and filled the
gap between the Smiths and Radiohead has finally resurfaced. Each
member went on their own during their extended hiatus and promise
of a new album. Not surprisingly, the most successful member has
been lead singer Damon Albarn.

Albarn co-created the hip-hop cartoon disguised as a group with
The Gorillaz. Their album sold more world-wide than any other Blur
album and was actually Albarn’s only big break in the U.S. Since
his work and touring with the most creative and uber-successful
visual band was not enough, he invaded Paul Simon’s territory and
grouped with Africa African musicians to create Mali Music.

What were the other members up to?

Graham Coxon (lead guitarist) continued on with a modest solo
career and has settled into relative obscurity. Alex James
(bassist) and David Rowntree (drummer) seemed to be waiting around,
for they have not hitched onto another band, made any solo albums
or done anything notable. Coxon was the only member that decided
not to return as a full-time player on
Think Tank, but did contribute to the final track, “Battery
In Your Leg.”

Before I tear a gaping hole in this album, it is my privilege to
point out the positive. There are a few excellent recordings here
that should be considered definite grabs. “Ambulance” contrasts
progressively-layered monotonous vocals and dynamic electronica to
create a melodic neo-shoegazing tune. There are some off-the-wall
sounds (like a squeaky bed and rhythmic clatter), but when “Gene by
Gene” is pumped with a funk and drum beat, amazing and unorthodox
pop developed. “Out of Time” is sung with an aching melancholy,
while it boasts fun experimental (drum and flamenco guitar combo
verses an “alien invasion” soundtrack) support.


On with the negative…

Think Tank has no coherent sequence; the songs fail to build
off each other. If there was a worse possible order, it would be
difficult to create. For example, “Crazy Beat” is a jarring and
unnecessary jolt that removed any of the satisfying energy received
from the first two tracks. In the middle, the predominately
hookless/slow tempo songs drag you into a slumber that only a die
hard fan would or could wish to work him/herself out of.

For the first time in their career, Blur has deliberately
depended on production tricks rather than extending them as a tool
for art with commercial accessibility. The Blur formula does not
equate without the Coxon element.

There was only one other notable member of Blur outside of
Albarn and that is the man who left. The other members are session
players for practical purposes. No overall sense of a band
performance was evident without Coxon’s balance and great riff
creations. Most of the rock element oozed down the drain as he
closed the door behind him. Since I learned that Graham Coxon has a
quiet yet strong personality, he was likely the reality check to
Damon’s ego and the balance to his creative diarrhea.

Think Tank has solid moments, but is a major disappointment
due to its jumbled production, excessive filler, poor execution and
just plain dull songs. Dear readers, if you walk past this in the
record store and see this record; just pass through. If the money
is still burning a hole in your pocket, we can make

Rating: D

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