Things Falling Apart – Matthew Turk

Things Falling Apart
Nothing / Interscope Records, 2000
Reviewed by Matthew Turk
Published on Mar 29, 2002

It’s time to face the facts.
The Fragile was not a success for Nine Inch Nails – people
had expected
Downward Spiral II and had gotten Trent Reznor’s
The Wall. It didn’t sell very well, it was panned by critics
(including our very own Christopher Thelen) and many considered it
the last shout of a bored visionary.

Despite that, however, Reznor was not performing the music just
to cater to the fans – as evidenced by the delayed followup EP,
Things Falling Apart. This album features remixes, cut
music, and different interpretations of songs that had, by the time
it was released, been fairly well absorbed by his fanbase. It was a
bit of a risk – one that isn’t terribly unfamiliar to NIN (witness
the forty-five remixes of “Head Like A Hole”) but a risk

And, somehow, it works. Not every track is great, but they do
stand (mostly) independently from their counterparts on
The Fragile. It flows reasonably well, and is even an
enjoyable listen. It’s certainly not a Must Have, but it’s a good
exploration of what some saw as failed potential on
The Fragile. (For the record, I love
The Fragile. Sorry Chris!)

The first few songs are a bit meandering, slow visions of other
songs, but the pace quickly picks up into “The Wretched,” which
comes across as a bit more raw emotionally than the version that
made the album. A pounding sense of urgency accompanies the rising
music, which pays off toward the middle of the song. The rest is a
bit weak, but interesting.

I must make another confession. I hate the song “Starfuckers,
Inc.” But, somehow, the three versions on this disc make it worth
listening to – and while I’m not a big Gary Numan fan, I do like
Trent’s version of “Metal” a lot. And my favorite song from
The Fragile is represented here; “Where Is Everybody?” is
remixed into a lonely, computerized plea. It makes me want to watch

2001 again. “The Frail,” done in an all-string arrangement,
is also quite interesting, but not quite amazing.

Overall, the new songs are good, and most of the remixes are
enjoyable. Not a must-have unless you’re a fan, however.

Rating: B-

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