They Live – Christopher Thelen

Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Mar 27, 2001

Would Wise Monkey Orchestra be offended if I were to call them a
poor man’s Phish?

I sure hope not, since it’s meant as somewhat of a compliment.
This eclectic sextet’s latest release, the live disc
They Live, suggests an amalgam of Phish, No Doubt and Frank
Zappa, daring to push the musical envelope by musically staying on
the fringe. It’s a dangerous place to be, since there’s not much of
a musical safety net, but they do passably well. If only they could
somehow capture the spark that would make them as catchy as any of
the three previously-named artists and bands.

Fronted by vocalist Riley, one can hear the influences
throughout Wise Monkey Orchestra’s playing. The use of a woodwind
section (including two guest saxophonists, Dave Ellis and Robbie
Helm) combined with the jazzy guitar playing of Marty Schwartz
(think Zappa’s “City Of Tiny Lights”) makes for an interesting
combination. And musically, Wise Monkey Orchestra is solid, casting
no doubt on the talents of these musicians.

What is lacking, though, is a hook. Sure, tracks like “Movin’
Free” and “Colorblind” have moments of catchiness. But Wise Monkey
Orchestra sounds like they’re more interested in capturing the
moment for themselves, devil may care whether the fans get on the
bus with them or not. This is what separates this group from their
jam band counterparts – and what they do need to change. It doesn’t
do them any good to lose their listeners while getting wrapped up
in the rhythm themselves; it works better when everyone is locked
in the same rhythm. Phish knows that; the Grateful Dead knew that.
Maybe this is just something that comes with the passage of

This isn’t to say that the bulk of
They Live is bad; on the contrary, there are many moments of
promise throughout the disc. The trifecta of “Hell Ain’t For Me,”
“Space” (though nothing like what the Dead were known to do) and
“Brainchild” flows together well, while individual tracks like
“SLM” and “Demons” all have their moments.

In the end, though, it’s the experience of the fans that
matters, and it doesn’t feel like Wise Monkey Orchestra are always
open to the idea of the fans joining them in the experience that is
their music.
They Live is a decent enough effort, but it merely suggests
what this band could accomplish, rather than what they already
have. With a little more polish and a more fan-friendly eye towards
song arrangements, they could have a chance of knocking Phish from
the jam band throne.

Rating: B-

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