The Weapon – Paul Hanson

The Weapon
Revelation Records, 1999
Reviewed by Paul Hanson
Published on Jan 23, 2000

When I get too comfortable with my life, thinking about the way
how things are generally going my way, I tend to listen to a
hardcore band. Hardcore, the genre, is a hybrid of metal, noted
primarily by the vocal style of shouting lyrics. Hardcore was born
on the East Coast, especially in New York City. The number of
hardcore bands mentioned in a hardcore zine like
In Effect are astronomical. So when I read a review that
says “XYZ band is the best hardcore I’ve ever heard,” I’m likely to
discredit the reviewer. After all, how the hell can someone listen
to hundreds of bands and keep them straight?

Therefore, I’ll make it simple for you: Where Fear And Weapons
Meet is the best hardcore I’ve ever heard for three primary
reasons: length of the CD, intensity of the music and the positive
message in the lyrics.

The CD
The Weapon is short, only 21 minutes long. This is to the
band’s advantage. Some longer hardcore CDs, even in the 40 minute
range, tend to get tedious. Hardcore was built on the premise that
“here’s my message, I’m going to pound it into you, and leave you
with something about which to think.”

Magically, drummer Jason Deucifer’s high pitched snare cracks
and quick single stroke rolls are the disc-length highlight. On
track after track, his drum parts intensify the music to another
level. Guitarist John Pain’s riffs often transform into chords that
are held over a couple of measures. Deucifer’s frantic pounding
fills in the void left by the absence of a guitar lick. Listen to
the :50-1:00 on “Half Full.”

And those things about which to think revolve around injustices
the band sees around them. In “Second Chance,” vocalist Alex Wall
Street Justice confides, ” I wish life would give me a second
chance / Want to go back in time and make amends.” Justice is
particularly distraught in “Are You Happy?” when he ponders, “Are
you happy with yourself . . . you turned your back on something you
were into / Why don’t you follow things all the way . . . through?
/ I’m not trying to tell you what to do / You made your choice but
I have to ask why. Finally, in “Under The Bridge,” Justice
acknowledges the brevity humans live on this earth as he proclaims,
“People stop talking from time to time / A petty argument they had
in the past, but please move on / Don’t hold a grudge / There’s not
much time to carry this on.”

Where Fear And Weapons Meet is a strong band. Their intensity is
tempered only by their self-imposed limits of knowing when they’ve
gotten their message across. It only took them 21 minutes of strong
songwriting on
The Weapon to do it.

Rating: A

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