The Trial Of Lancelot – Duke Egbert

The Trial Of Lancelot
Amphisbaena Music, 2000
Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on Aug 1, 2002

It just sounds like a recipe to not be taken seriously, doesn’t
it? A self-trained musician from Canada whose most notable musical
accomplishment up until recording her first CD was being a bard in
the Society for Creative Anachronism is not exactly a high-powered
bio for promotional material. Just goes to show you that histories
can be deceiving. Heather Dale’s debut CD from 2000,
The Trial Of Lancelot, is one of the most haunting and
well-performed pieces of work I’ve heard this year, and it’ll be
kept off this year’s Top Ten only by an accident of chronology.

Dale describes her genre as ‘modern Celtic music’. That is, I
suppose, as good a term as any — but this isn’t Enya or Loreena
McKennitt. Dale’s music hearkens back to the days when stories,
news, and happenings were related by music;
Trial is a musical retelling of the tale of Arthur,
Lancelot, and Guinevere, and frankly beats most recent attempts at
that genre hollow. The term ‘bard’ is appropriate, as it rarely is
in this day and age.

The CD’s production is serviceable to good. The mix is most
crucial, and it’s done properly, bringing Dale’s vocals to the
forefront. And oh, what vocals they are — a haunting alto that
immediately reminded me of Mary Fahl of the late, lamented October
Project or Maire Brennan of Clannad. (Dale lists Clannad as an
influence.) The backing musicianship is good; the only question I
had was a single use of sound effects on “Measure Of A Man”. Upon
the third or fourth listening the sound turned out to be a funeral
pyre (or so I think) — the first couple of times I was concerned
my CD player was finally dying.

There isn’t a weak song on this CD. However, there are
definitely songs that stand out stylistically — specific
highlights include “Trial Of Lancelot”, “Miles To Go”, “Culhwch And
Olwen”, and the bitterly sad “Tarnished Silver”. However, those
pale before the chilling, eerie, and devastating “Mordred’s
Lullaby”. Dale moves past the usual cartoon villainy inherent in
portrayals of Arthur’s bastard son into a vicious, cold-hearted
world of manipulation and revenge.

The Trial of Lancelot is a brilliant piece of work, and it
shouldn’t be missed by fans of real song-writing. Check out Heather
Dale today.

Rating: A

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