The Secret Of Magnets – Christopher Thelen

The Secret Of Magnets
Record Cellar Records, 2001
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Dec 29, 2001

Solid For Sixty is a Philadelphia-based group whose musical
philosophy is one part
Nuggets-style rock, one part Neil Young, and one part Flying
Burrito Brothers. It’s an interesting, if somewhat confusing at
times, musical marriage that is highlighted on their second disc
The Secret Of Magnets, but for all its stumbles, it’s a
journey I’d gladly take again.

This five-piece group, led by vocalist/guitarist/songwriter
Gerry McGoldrick, sometimes has a feel in these 10 songs that even
the band isn’t quite sure which direction the music is going to go.
From an established band, this isn’t such a bad way to go; from an
independent group fighting to get their name out there, sometimes
this is a bit nerve-wracking. (In all fairness, all the members of
Solid For Sixty are veterans of the indie music scene, so it’s not
like they have no experience… still doesn’t make me feel better
about the aimlessness of some of the songs.)

How so? The opening two songs of the disc, “Where You Are” and
“High Rise,” sound almost like something that could have been
lifted from Young’s
Ragged Glory album, yet there is almost a sense of confusion
underlying the basic track. This doesn’t mean these two songs are
bad, but it does cause one to wonder what the bulk of
The Secret Of Magnets has in store.

Foertunately, there are moments of sheer brilliance on this
disc. Songs like “Deep Blue Concussion,” “Blue & Hazel” and
“All Comes Down” offer more than a mere ray of hope, and suggest
that Solid For Sixty indeed knows what they are doing, almost like
an unpolished Bottle Rockets or Jayhawks. Moments like these are
what keep me returning to this disc, and make me want to hear what
McGoldrick and company have in store for their third album.

The commercial music scene has not been kind to groups of this
musical ilk, and one sadly may conclude that Solid For Sixty
wouldn’t stand a chance against the Destiny’s-Backstreet-Britneys
of this musical generation. All I can say is, too bad…
The Secret Of Magnets shows me that things are just getting

Rating: B-

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