The Road To Santiago – Duke Egbert

The Road To Santiago
Amphisbaena Music, 2005
Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on Oct 5, 2005

Longtime readers of the Daily Vault know
I love Heather Dale, plain and
simple. Her
May Queen was a past album of the year of mine. So it was
with much anticipation that I waited for
The Road To Santiago, her first ‘mainstream’ recording. (I
use that term loosely. In reality,
Santiago is merely her first CD that hasn’t relied
exclusively on Arthurian themes.)

I’m happy to say I am not in any way disappointed.
The Road To Santiago is a magnificent CD, a wonder to listen
to, and one of the best CDs I’ve heard this year.

It’s very hard to find fault with Dale’s voice, for starters.
She has an elegant, magnificent voice, rich and heady like a good
port wine. She can alternately soar and dive, turn and wheel; her
voice is like a raptor in flight, and it’s a magnificent thing to
listen to.

The production on
Santiago is excellent as well, the musicianship is just
fine, and there’s very little — if anything — to complain about.
As for the songs — well, I love all but one. The CD opens with the
elegant and spare “Hero,” Dale’s vocals sending shivers up and down
my spine. “The Greyhound” and “Flowers Of Bermuda” are wonderful,
though tragic sea shanteys, and Dale’s voice goes perfectly with
the stories of heroism and loss. “Hunter” is a breathtakingly
beautiful song about love, loss, and return. “Black Fox” is a
morality caution to be careful what you ask for; you might get it,
and it might smell like brimstone. “Adrift” has wonderful piano in
counterpoint to Dale’s vocals. If there’s a track that falls short,
it’s “Up In The Pear Tree” I admit to having no real fondness for
the style of song (sort of a ‘folly of married men’ madrigal bouncy
thing), and I think that may affect my judgement.

The Road To Santiago really pays off is on “Medusa” and
“Sedna.” “Medusa” takes the Greek myth and turns it into a
powerful, vicious statement on standards of beauty; when Dale
snarls “Damn them all!” it’s like being thrown into ice water.
“Sedna” is a hymn to the Inuit creator goddess, and it’s a thing of
pure beauty. As individual tracks they’re magnificent; taken in
counterpoint, Dale proves herself a master of comparing the dark to
the light in all things.

The Road To Santiago continues the career of te person I
consider to be the best female vocalist currently recording. You
owe it to yourself to pick this up. Help spread the word.

[For more information or to order the CD, check out]

Rating: A

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