The Big Game – Mark Kadzielawa

The Big Game
Independent release, 2020
Reviewed by Mark Kadzielawa
Published on Oct 30, 2020

This is a very strong debut from new power trio OGD. The three principals, Olivero, Gavin, and De Ranieri, are all experienced players who combined their talents and came up with some good classic rock with occasional harder overtones. They focus on catchy songwriting and great musicianship. 

Even after the first listen, this album has that energetic punch that can get the listener going. The songs electrify with their rhythms and illusionist simplicity. It’s hard to believe there are only three players involved because the sound is very full. It only tells you one thing: these guys know what they are doing. Great production from Jerry Marotta adds some magic as well.

The 10-song album is a quick listen. The songs flow very nicely, and before you know it, you find yourself pressing play again. The cool thing about these songs is that they kept in the middle of the road mood; they’re not too heavy, but not too slow and melancholic either. They are just right, which makes the record very enjoyable when you listen to it as a whole.  It’s not the case where there are one or two great tracks and seven fillers; the whole album is great.

New bands like OGD definitely give classic rock another lifeline. The Big Game is a record that sounds very fresh, yet it is rooted in a style one may be very familiar with. Though it might sound simple at first listen, it’s more complicated than you think, and to be good at it requires a lot skill and talent. Both can be found in the presence of Olivero, Gavin, and De Ranieri. There is definitely a lot of potential here.

Rating: B

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