Thanks For Bringing Love Around Again – Duke Egbert

Thanks For Bringing Love Around Again
Crossover Records, 2002
Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on May 14, 2002

Got the new Ray Charles CD. Listened to the new Ray Charles CD.
Immediate response: “Damn, I hope I’m this cool when I’m as old as
he is.”

Charles just keeps goin’. He’s like a force of nature; at 72,
he’s laying down vocal licks that some people have his age would
kill to get, and he makes it sound so damn easy. He’s recording on
his own now because he wants to; he’s gotten to the point where
he’s doing exactly what he intends to, no more, no less.

You would suspect that in an atmosphere of such relaxation and
freedom it would show in the music. Happily, this is so.
Thanks For Bringing Love Around Again is a cool, smooth,
relaxed, delightful piece of work. Released on Charles’s own
Crossover Records label, this is his first commercial release in
six years, and he hasn’t lost a step. His vocals are sharp as ever,
and the backing musicianship (unfortunately, I can’t credit
specific people, since I got an advance copy with no liner notes)
is great. The production is clear and crisp, especially on sounds
like Hammond organ and horns.

No getting around it. Charles is tight. Some highlights: A new,
rearranged version of his 1959 hit “What’d I Say”, the rocking
“Save Your Lovin’ Just For Me”, the arching, poignant “Ensemble” (I
want to know who the woman is singing duet with Ray. My GODS, she
has a pretty voice.) and the funny, sly “Mr Creole”. There are no
weak tracks on the CD; this is a brilliant, brilliant piece of

I hope I’m half as cool as Ray is when I’m 72. As it is, Ray
rules, plain and simple. Go out. Buy Ray. Get cooler.

Rating: A

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