Tangerine – Jeff Clutterbuck

Tallulah, 2006
Reviewed by Jeff Clutterbuck
Published on Jun 23, 2006

One of the strangest tracks The Beatles ever recorded
was “Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite.” Imagine the weird vibe of
that song running through an entire album, and you’ve got an idea
of what Tangerine is like.

Tangerine runs the gamut in terms of style,
though the closest comparison is probably Paul Simon, since the
disc is eccentric just like some of Simon’s work. Mead is a pretty
close match for Simon’s vocals as well; this is pop music, but with
a edge.

The opening and title track sets the stage in
gorgeous fashion. Nothing like an appearance by the glockenspiel,
easily one of my favorite words to say, to draw the listener in,
and violins, clavinet and a cello all make an appearance. The song
is tantalizingly short, making the listener want to hear more.

“Hard To Remember” is what prompted the Beatles
reference. The track captures a “circus” vibe without sounding
hokey, and the percussion makes the song with its varied bangs and
whistles. Things pick up with a minute left, when the track veers
way off course and goes funk on the listener. It was at this point
when I realized this was going to be an enjoyable record.

The fun moments on Tangerine come fast and
furious. “Fighting For Your Life” begins with a few quirky
guitar/ukulele arrangements before descending into sunny, 60s style
pop. The chorus, bolstered by Mead’s falsetto vocals, is absolutely
infectious; I’ve been humming it for a while now. “Hallelujah, I
Was Wrong” features a little jazz flute and could have been an AM
hit in 1974.

While some tracks aren’t as high quality as the ones
I’ve mentioned, what keeps this album interesting is its sound.
Those weaker tracks occupy the listener solely for their
uniqueness. For example, the pseudo-barbershop “Reminded #1” sounds
so different than anything else on Tangerine that it comes
off as fresh and inventive.

Tangerine was a surprise; I did not come in
expecting it to be this good. However, after giving it a few spins,
I believe we have a frontrunner for indie record of the year.

Rating: A

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