Talking Book – Jeff Clutterbuck

Talking Book
Tamla, 1972
Reviewed by Jeff Clutterbuck
Published on Feb 14, 2006

While there is no statistical information backing the
following statement up, I still believe it to be true — Stevie
Wonder has been forgotten. Sure, the critics loved A Time 2
, but to the best of my knowledge is has not been a big
seller, or brought Wonder back to the forefront of popular music.
In my eyes, this is a shame, because the modern day record buying
public is shunning one of R&B’s most brilliant minds.

Some consider Music Of My Mind to the be the
start of Wonder’s golden run of albums in the 70’s that remains as
stunning as it was back in the day. However, to me, Talking
was the true beginning point of Wonder’s best music. And
of course, what better subject to write/sing about then love?

I appreciate what Wonder can do in terms of writing
politically charged material, but his best works usually come
through the guise of a love song. “You Are The Sunshine Of My Life”
is the ebullient opening track, just overflowing with positive
energy, perfectly encapsulated by Wonder’s joyous vocals. “Maybe
Your Baby” is the antithesis of its predecessor, as Wonder mourns
over an ex-love. Musically, this track is a killer, a song that
defines “funky.” The keyboards simmer underneath Ray Parker Jr.’s
guitar work, crafting a groove you can’t help but move to. “You And
I” is a relatively straightforward track, propelled by Wonder’s
gorgeous, soft vocal. The thing about Stevie is that it sounds
genuine when he sings about love or heartbreak.

Of course, the most famous song off Talking
is the immortal classic “Superstition.” Once that guitar
riff and drum beat get going, there is no getting them out of your
head. With the exception of the horns, I believe this is one of the
many tracks Wonder recorded solely by himself, which makes the
quality even more impressive. The track then segues directly into a
personal favorite, “Big Brother.” A blasting criticism of those in
power, “Big Brother” comes off as more resigned than angry, an
interesting choice to go with considering the lyrics.

However, the true standout track on Talking
is the closing number, “I Believe When I Fall In Love It
Will Be Forever.” The opening reminded me a great deal of “Don’t
Let The Sun Go Down On Me,” and the song itself follows a similar
pattern. Starting off slowly, it quickly turns around and hits you
with an infectious chorus. The guitar riffs swirl around like music
out of dream, underlying the idealistic thinking that is taking
place. It is then that the song takes it up another notch, as it
slowly picks up the pace, while Wonder and co. repeat the chorus
over and over again. I loved Wonder’s exclamations underneath the
main chorus, showcasing his soulful singing at its best. Then, the
whole tempo and beat shifts into a funky groove much like “Maybe
Your Baby,” transforming the last 30 seconds into a completely new

The amazing thing is, Wonder would get even better
with his following albums. His moments of brilliance are
breathtaking, and the best started right here on Talking
. That is more than enough of a reason to give it a

Rating: A

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