Still Stuck In Your Throat – Pete Crigler

Still Stuck In Your Throat
Sound In Color, 2007
Reviewed by Pete Crigler
Published on Feb 21, 2015

Coming a full seven years after their last full-length record, Fishbone had seemingly been left for dead after the loss of "Dirty" Walt, who quit to form his own band and took guitarist Spacey T with him. But with the determination of a wounded military regiment, Norwood Fisher and Angelo Moore pulled themselves back together with the help of former Suicidal Tendencies guitarist Rocky George, managing to snag an indie deal and put a new record out.

The opening track, "Jack Ass Brigade," has the energy of old and is one of the band's best songs in quite some time. One will notice that Angelo's voice has lost a lot of its luster over the preceding years, but God bless him, he's still going full-tilt when it comes to energy and he has to be commended for that. "Let Dem Ho's Fight" is full of demented sonic energy and has some great guitar work courtesy of Mr. George. "Party With Saddam" is one of those songs that came out in the wake of the war and seems a bit dated now, but it managed to gain the band some recognition when the song originally came out.

This album actually sounds a lot better than their last couple of discs, and it might have something to do with former producer David Kahne coming back to mix the disc. "Skank'n Go Nuttz" has a lot of great energy, but it feels too forced and the song doesn't come across as well as it could. The band tests the patience of their fans a little bit with the nearly ten-minute "We Just Lose Our Minds," which is an interesting detour and quite a fascinating track, but it just goes on a bit too damn long. "Forever Moore," however, is quite a lovely song, written by Angelo about his daughter.

Tossed onto the end of the album is a cover of the Sublime classic "Date Rape," previously recorded for a Sublime tribute record. While the cover is decent, it’s hard not to listen to Angelo's voice and cringe at how pitiful it sounds. Putting aside the negatives, this was a huge step forward for the band and a bid back toward acceptance. As of this date, however, this is the band's last full-length record. Their next two releases, 2010's Crazy Glue and 2014's Intrinsically Intertwined, are both EPs that aren't really that great. But as far as full-lengths go, this was a decent way for Fishbone to wrap up their catalogue.

Rating: C

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