Soulburner – Paul Hanson

Nuclear Blast Records, 2000
Reviewed by Paul Hanson
Published on Oct 28, 1999

Gardenian burst out of your speakers furious at the world.
Combining occasional blast beats on the snare drum and an
outstandingly heavy riff in opening track “As a True King,”
Gardenian comes across as sounding familiar, but not in a way that
annoys. I have just about had my fill of the death metal vocal
style so I was not impressed with the first song on their latest
Soulburner. Digging deeper into the CD, though, yields some
impressive songs.

Consider the slow ballad “If Tomorrow’s Gone.” Starting with an
erie guitar riff, the band comes in with some some heavy riffing.
The vocals are as clear and the guitar provides a strong foundation
over which the vocals spin a sad tale of loss. About halfway
through the song, though, as a contrast in style, the death vocal
style comes in, complete with airy background vocals and impressive
double bass work. Without turning into a run-of-the-mill death
band, Gardenian cover the familiar ground, creating sound textures
that eventually lead to a return to the main lyrics of the song:
“If tomorrow’s gone/ I would feel no comfort/ If tomorrow’s gone/ I
would stop feeling so lonely.”

Track seven “Chaos In Flesh” is sure to appeal to those wanting
their metal thick and heavy. With some acrobatic drumming,
including an ever present double bass syncopated pattern, Gardenian
riff their way through some heavy material.

In essence, then, Gardenian is a mixed bag. You get some death
metal but you also get some crystal clear vocals in the mix.
Bringing in some remorse in the lyrics add an element to this band
that other death bands, like Centinex, are not employing.
Centinex’s recent
Bloodhunt CD, on Repulse Records, is pure, fast death metal
in the vein of Slayer. There’s no depth to the band’s lyrics, just
a lot of growling. With bands like Centinex, I find it hard to
appreciate more than the double bass blasting throbbing through my

Gardenian, therefore, take listening pleasure up a notch.

Rating: A-

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