Songs From An American Movie Vol. One: Learning How To Smile – Christopher Thelen

Songs From An American Movie Vol. One: Learning How To Smile
Capitol Records, 2000
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Dec 7, 2000

Sometimes, it feels like Art Alexakis and his bandmates in
Everclear aren’t satisfied with being one of the leading
alternative rock bands out there today. Sometimes it feels like
there’s a bit of musical wanderlust in their bones, pushing them
towards styles they might not have considered before.

Their first release of 2000,
Songs From An American Movie Vol. One: Learning How To Smile
Learning How To Smile), builds on the alternative base that
Alexakis, bassist Craig Montoya and drummer Greg Eklund have built,
but they also branch off and make some rather surprising turns.
Sometimes, these work well; other times, the end result leaves the
listener with the feeling that Everclear is just trying too

Admittedly, I’ve not been the biggest Everclear fan in the
world; prior to my friend at Capitol sending me this disc to
review, I owned nothing by the band. (Memo to Robyn: Thanks for
your patience… I’m ready to tackle the new disc now.) So I admit
I might be noticing things that longtime fans knew were there all
along. I’ll take my chances.

Besides, I don’t remember the last time I heard Everclear on the
radio using samples prior to “A.M. Radio,” an interesting ditty
about a simpler life, before all of this electronic nonsense took
control of us a la Orwell’s
1984, when Larry Lujack ruled the airwaves, Led Zeppelin
still flew and “high-tech” meant you had an 8-track tape deck.
Okay, I’m flashing back here – and I think this was Alexakis’s

But the samples aren’t just limited to one song; they’re also
used in “Here We Go Again,” an interesting fusion of alternative
and a touch of rap. And am I the only one who picked up on the drum
intro to “When The Levee Breaks” on “Now That It’s Over”?

For the most part,
Learning How To Smile seems to be Alexakis and crew taking a
look back at their lives, from the joys of youth (their cover of
Van Morrison’s “Brown Eyed Girl”) to the excitement of being a
newlywed (“The Honeymoon Song”), even to the realization that the
honeymoon is over (“Now That It’s Over”). I’m not saying that this
disc is absolutely autobiographical, but it often seems that
Alexakis is pouring out his heart into these songs.

That emotional purge is clear in Alexakis’s love for his
daughter, shown on “Song From An American Movie Pt. 1” and
“Annabella’s Song,” two tracks which bookend this CD. It’s a moving
piece of music, one to make anyone who’s a father take a second
look at how much or even how little they’ve been there in their
children’s lives. One word, two syllables: ka-pow.

Not everything on
Learning How To Smile works quite as well; in fact,
sometimes the constant musical shifts work against Everclear. Going
from an almost hip-hop alternative version of “Brown Eyed Girl” to
a classical-alternative piece on “Learning How To Smile” to a
Hawaiian-influened number on “The Honeymoon Song” – geez, sometimes
it feels like you need a scorecard to keep track of which genre
Everclear has crossed into.

Learning How To Smile is an intriguing disc which has
rightfully been pleasing fans and winning Everclear new followers.
Whether they could follow this up with a strong second volume
remains to be seen by this reviewer, but I’m much more open to
experiencing Everclear’s music thanks to
Learning How To Smile.

Rating: B

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