Sleep Dirt – Christopher Thelen

Sleep Dirt
Rykodisc, 1979
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Sep 13, 2005

The year 1979 kicked off quite possibly what was the most
fruitful year of Frank Zappa’s musical life. In a year that gave us
the classic disc
Sheik Yerbouti and the love-it-or-hate-it release
Joe’s Garage, things kicked off with a release that might
surprise people with its quality.

One review ago, I referred to Warner Brothers’s decision to axe
the four-record set
Lather and split it up into separate releases as a “fabulous
fuck-up”. That fuck-up was no more fabulous than with the release
Sleep Dirt, containing unquestionably the best material from
the whole set. An instrumental collection (marred by the
re-inclusion of vocal tracks – more on that in a minute) that
challenged and excited the listener, this proved to be one of
Zappa’s unheralded masterpieces.

Kicking things off is a challenging track to get through,
“Filthy Habits” – a track which contains many of Zappa’s trademark
style shifts when one least expects them. Yet this song proves to
be charming in its own ways, leading into the absolutely fantastic
cabaret-like pastiche that is “Flambay”. Simply put, from “Flambay”
on, Zappa can do absolutely no wrong. One cannot help but fall in
love with the musical picture that Zappa and crew paint on
“Flambay,” while “Regyptian Strut” (another track that features
more re-recorded drum tracks a la
Cruising With Ruben & The Jets) is a marvel to behold, a
song that pushes musician and listener to the breaking point
without ever crossing any unspoken boundaries.

What makes
Sleep Dirt unique is that the music contained herein gets
Zappa’s whole message across without a single note sung (the only
“vocals” coming from an aside Zappa makes on “Time Is Money”). So,
losing the “toilet humor” that Zappa would fine-tune to the point
of brilliance on
Sheik Yerbouti, Zappa is left to only his musical genius,
which he makes the most of throughout this disc.

I did not expect to like
Sleep Dirt, having had the cassette sit in storage for a
decade. In fact, I don’t recall liking it when I first bought the
tape. Three simple words: I was
wrong. Quite possibly forgotten due to the sheer volume of
music that Zappa released in a short time – according to the
timeline on Zappa’s website, seven albums were released in a
two-year span –
Sleep Dirt remains a disc that demands to be heard, that
demands to be respected, that demands to be revered. In all
regards, its demands are quite reasonable.

The CD reissue, though, makes the only black marks I can find.
No offense is meant to vocalist Thana Harris, but the three bonus
tracks that include vocals break the whole pattern for me. These
tracks, as Francois Couture mentions on All-Music Guide, may be
closer to the vision that Zappa had when he first compiled
Lather, but they dare to tamper with both the strength of
Sleep Dirt as an instrumental album and the memories of
long-time Zappa fans. (Not that Zappa ever had problems tampering
with those memories before – back to the re-recording of drum
tracks again.) As hard as I tried, I could not get into the
vocalized versions of tracks like “Flambay” and “Time Is Money”.
The magic, simply, was sucked out of them.

Still, this is a minor complaint about bonus tracks, and when
all is said and done, the original seven tracks that make up
Sleep Dirt still prove to be one of Zappa’s best releases in
his career.

2005 Christopher Thelen and “The Daily Vault.” All rights
reserved. Review or any portion may not be reproduced without
written permission. Cover art is the intellectual property of the
Zappa Family Trust / record label, and is used for informational
purposes only.

Rating: B+

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