Settlement – Mark Kadzielawa

Esoteric Antenna, 2021
Reviewed by Mark Kadzielawa
Published on Apr 14, 2021

Strawbs is a veteran rock band dating all the way back to the 1960s. Their career was very impressive and they’ve made some great music over the years. The band is extremely original, combining the elements of folk and progressive rock. Settlement certainly has all of the qualities of a great record. It may not come across as such at first listen, but the magic is there; you just have to allow it to flow. 

Dave Cousins is a great songwriter and a great storyteller, and his voice just grabs you. Now at an advanced age, his stories come across even more impressive. He once told me a lot of his inspirations come from walking around and exploring the countryside of his native England. That explains why there is an element of beauty in his music, even if he is singing about things that are not so pretty. His charisma and the manner of delivery is always a turning point for this writer.

There are some great tracks on this album. “Each Manner Of Man” is an awesome song and certainly can be considered a classic. I simply can’t get enough of this one.  Guitarist/vocalist, Dave Lambert also makes a great contribution with “The Visit” and the instrumental “Flying Free.” Let’s not forget the majestic sounding “We Are Everyone.” There simply isn’t bad track on this record.  It flows very nicely and takes you places.

Settlement offers a lot of wisdom lyrically. The core members of this band lived a long and creative life.  At their age, they see a big picture of life, and that experience comes across in the lyrics. At times, you feel the impending doom, but for the most part, it’s all about enjoying each day to the fullest. It’s definitely a record one can learn from, just like you would from your elders.

Needless to say, the Strawbs delivers a late classic here. The band is not trying to rehash any old glories here; they are writing about today, and how they fit with today. The results are spectacular, and I hope they will continue on this path for a couple of more years to come.

Rating: B

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