September EP – Christopher Thelen

September EP
Orangestar Records, 2000
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Nov 23, 1999

If Lilith Fair proved anything, it’s this: female-led (or
all-female) bands are to be taken very seriously.

Of course, I’ve known this for some time; I’ve long been a fan
of such artists like Melissa Etheridge, Indigo Girls, Sarah
McLachlan and Liz Phair. While I might not have counted myself
among their fans, I could appreciate what people like Meredith
Brooks and Shirley Manson of Garbage were accomplishing. But the
long-term effects of Lilith Fair are now being felt, as more bands
of this ilk are coming forward to be heard; if only some people had
taken the time to listen a long while ago.

Take the Decatur, Georgia-based trio Lift, for example. Their
recent release
September EP shows the maturity and musical development that
many of the artists who presently enjoy airplay have, only they’re
still struggling to make a name for themselves. Chances are that’s
a statistic that’s going to change real soon.

The group – vocalist/guitarist Molly Bancroft, bassist Meimi
Sato and drummer Simone Simonton – have three things going for them
right out of the gate. First, they are master songsmiths; there is
not a bad track on this mini-album. Second, their harmonies are
ethereal, if maybe a tad underutilized. (Then again, maybe that’s
done on purpose.) Third – and this is the key element for me – this
music rocks.

The richness of the music on
September EP makes it seem like there’s more than three
people creating the sounds that burst forth from your speakers.
From the opening notes of “Even If (It Is Love),” it’s evident that
Lift is a band that is destined for greatness, based on their
songwriting and performance. Similarly, “Let It Out” is a track
that, if the right people got their hands on it, screams “top 40
hit” to the heavens.

And it’s not that Lift pigeonholes themselves as a light-pop
band. Songs like “Need To Know” and “Mesmerize” show that the group
is willing to take some musical chances to put forth an emotion
that takes center stage over the rhythm. Of course, all of that’s
in vain without good songwriting… and Lift never forgets that,
backing up these emotions with powerful tracks.

Of course, I think you know what my complaint is going to be
right now… that’s right, this disc is too damned short. Normally,
I’m saying that I can’t formulate a fair opinion on a band based on
20 minutes of music. In Lift’s case, 20 minutes is just too little
music, judging from the quality of the songs that did make it onto
this disc. I would have been a happy camper if this had been a
full-length disc.

September EP is a taste of a band that’s going to leave you
wanting a lot more than just the teaser. Lift is a band that, if
there’s any justice in this business, will get their big break very
soon… and I’m putting my money on them succeeding.

Rating: A-

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