Sea Of No Cares – Duke Egbert

Sea Of No Cares
Zoe Records, 2002
Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on Feb 26, 2002

By the time you read this, the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter
Olympics will be over. It’ll have been a damn fine time, too; not
just because the US cleaned up in the medal count, but because
there were some great, great stories, from Simon “Harry Potter On
Skis” Amman to the Canadian women’s “We Don’t Lose. Ever.” hockey
team. Maybe the biggest story will be that in many cases, being the
best in your event was a death knell; from Michelle Kwan to Johnny
Moseley to the Canadian women’s curling team, it was a rough couple
of weeks for the favorites.

Speaking of things Canadian, however, it’s no big secret for
regular readers of “The Daily Vault” that one of my favorites is
Newfoundland Celt-rock band Great Big Sea; and while the music’s
still echoing from the last national anthem, the boys from St John
have a new CD,
Sea Of No Cares. So it begs the question; did the favorites
fail or do they take home the gold?

Cue up “O Canada,” boys; they nailed it again.

Sea Of No Cares is an early candidate for 2002’s Album of
the Year. Great Big Sea just keeps getting better and better.
However, be aware; Sea is a bit of a departure for GBS in some
places, and it may not be quite what you expect.

First and foremost, there’s more production to it. GBS has in
the past used a stripped-down sound without too many effects on the
music; they stick with that on the traditional tracks, but on
tracks like “Sea Of No Cares” and “Own True Way” there’s more
experimentation. Drum loops and subtle samples create a more
textured sound that takes a moment to get used to, but in the end
works really well. For the first time, GBS has taken a relatively
long time to record an album — almost a year — and it shows.
Other new ventures include a duet with vocalist Liz Pickard on the
traditional Newfoundland ballad “Barque In The Harbor” and a
rollicking, funny version of the traditional “Scolding Wife”.

But as always with GBS, the highlights are the original tunes.
“Sea Of No Cares” is a breezy, funny, and brilliant look at the
early gloss on a love affair. :”Clearest Indication” is bright and
powerful. The highlight, however, has to be “French Perfume”, the
dark and demonic story of a smuggler haunting the rocks the
Mounties drove him onto. The fiddle line, in particular, shudders
and wails like a banshee protesting an Olympic judging; if at one
point the Devil went down to Georgia, I think he’s back north of
the border now.

I hate to repeat myself, but I will; Great Big Sea is one of the
greatest bands currently recording, and once again they have nailed
the jump, nailed the landing, and walked away with gold. Don’t miss
this one.

Rating: A

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