Robbing The Nuclear Family – Pete Crigler

Robbing The Nuclear Family
Shaking Shanghai, 2019
Reviewed by Pete Crigler
Published on May 9, 2019

Well, here we are. If you’re not familiar with Oklahoma’s Chainsaw Kittens, well, I just feel sorry for you. Full of glam, punk, swagger, and venom, Tyson Meade and co. spent over a decade scaring the hell out of random alternative rock fans. Since the band’s split in the early 2000s, Meade has become an artist, teacher, and solo artist. With this, his third disc, he proves that his quirkiness is still as strong as ever.

One of the most striking things about the opening cut “P.S. Nuclear Forest Dance Boogie” is Tyson’s voice. It still sounds great even after all these years. He definitely has a voice made for esoteric, different alterna rock, even though the music here is quite different than the Kittens. “He’s The Candy” is straight ahead rock as only Tyson could do, and it’s also catchy as hell. This one is very unique and striking; it demands multiple repeats.

“Grandsons Of The Empire” would almost qualify for epic status, à la Queen. Tyson gets to use his falsetto, always one of his best tools, to great effect. It definitely makes for a great, quirky track. “Motorcycle Boy #3” starts off slow but finishes up nice and rollicking. It’s definitely worth sticking around all the way for because it definitely gets fun and exciting. “Tiniest Of Guys” is another great song – a bit folksier than the rest of the disc, but that’s just a testament to how varied Tyson’s works are and how well he’s able to pull everything off.

This isn’t just a case of an old alt rocker trying to reclaim what he once had like Everclear; this is a sparkling, relevant voice still longing to be discovered by an industry at large. Do yourself a favor and listen to Tyson Meade if you’re looking for something better than the pop crap on the radio.

Rating: B

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