Return To Paradise – Christopher Thelen

Return To Paradise
CMC International Records, 1997
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Oct 6, 1997

Sometimes I think that Styx chose the wrong name for their band
– it should have been “Phoenix.”

Every time it has looked like the band was down for the count,
they’ve always managed to rise from the ashes and come back strong.
They came back from their 1983 “retirement” – minus guitarist Tommy
Shaw – and released the moderately successful
Edge Of The Century in 1990.

Now, after the tragic death of drummer John Panozzo, the
remaining members of Styx – including Shaw – have arisen again and
Return To Paradise, a mixture of new studio tunes and their
tour-ending concert at the Rosemont Horizon, a concert venue I know
quite well. And while the album is a flashback to past glories, it
also shows that Styx will go to its grave kicking and

The three new studio songs are excellent, even though they seem
a little syrupy sweet at times. “On My Way” is a solid rocker that
is a throwback to the band’s mid- to late-’70s days. Shaw is in
fine voice here, and the band is as tight as ever. Lead
singer/keyboardist Dennis DeYoung (whom I met the day he came to a
college class with his daughter our senior years – it’s not often
you get to debate with a rock star) chalks up a winning ballad with
“Paradise,” a song from a musical he wrote based on “The Hunchback
Of Notre Dame” – where was Disney when they could have used

The album’s closer, “Dear John,” is a beautiful and moving
tribute to their fallen comrade – don’t be surprised if you end up
crying while listening to this track. I personally believe it’s one
of their best. (Why is it that tragedy always brings out the best
in a musician?)

The remainder of
Return To Paradise is their live show, though Styx commits
the cardinal sin of live albums – they fade out at the end of each
song. While I can appreciate that this is done to satisfy radio
stations who may wish to play the tracks in place of their studio
cousins, when I listen to a live album, I don’t want the energy
level being faded out every five minutes.

Fading out the tracks aside, the live show is proof that Styx
hasn’t lost a beat since their last live effort,
Caught In The Act. Shaw’s vocals may seem a little more
strained than they would have 13 years ago, but he can still belt
out songs like “Blue Collar Man” and “Renegade” as if it were 1981.
DeYoung’s vocals have not weakened with the passage of time; if
anything, I’d argue that time has made them richer.

The only real weakness I hear is in occasional harmonies. They
don’t flow as freely as they used to on songs like “Rockin’ The
Paradise” or “Blue Collar Man,” but as the show goes on, I did
notice a gradual improvement.

Sure, you could argue that
Return To Paradise is, more or less, a rehashing of the
band’s greatest hits. But if it’s as interesting a listen as this,
then who cares? Styx is able to keep you interested in the songs as
if it was the first time you heard “Lady” or “Come Sail Away,” and
not the millionth. This is what separates Styx from countless other
bands – they keep things fresh.

Worthy of special note is drummer Todd Sucherman, who stepped
into a very sensitive role with the band following John Panozzo’s
death, but he steps up to the challenge extremely well. Once could
even say that Sucherman has injected new life into Styx with his
solid backbeats and rhythm work.

Probably the only real complaint I have with
Return To Paradise is the studio work leaves you craving to
hear more. Undoubtedly Styx will return to the studio to create a
new album, but that doesn’t satisfy my cravings now.

Laugh at the dinosaurs of rock if you must, but don’t deny that
they still produce music that long-time fans – and maybe even new
fans – will enjoy long after other bands self-destruct. Styx proves
this on
Return To Paradise, and serves warning to anyone listening
that they are by no means dead. This is one that I’ve had
difficulties taking off my CD player – and you’ll probably discover
the same thing to be true for you.

Rating: A-

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