Republica – Alfredo Narvaez

RCA Records, 1996
Reviewed by Alfredo Narvaez
Published on Jun 20, 1998

I think that last year–or two years ago–you probably heard
this band in dance clubs, but didn’t know who they were. A British
group that mixes both techno with some raw-edged rock (as the more
“prestigious” music critics would say) and also combines the soft
voice of their female vocalist. Sure, you may think that it could
be any British techno group – and you would be right and wrong.

This group is best known for two songs. The first one is “Drop
Dead Gorgeous” – which appeared in the movie
Scream. Since that movie was such a hit with the kiddies,
the song was played a lot in dance clubs all over the globe. The
other one? A huge dance hit called “Ready To Go.” I mean, this song
was overplayed to the point of nausea. Movies were pushed with it,
magazines threw it in with their other “hit” collection CDs that
they give out. Heck, there’s two versions of the song in this

Take all of that and throw it out. It’s the only way you can
appreciate the album. “Ready To Go” is one of the best examples of
pop mixing with techno. The song throws in acoustic guitars,
electric guitars and every other noise you can think of and it
sounds great. Another great example is “Bloke” which has one sweet
riff – I mean, rock bands would love to have that riff. “Drop Dead
Gorgeous” features more of that and you will eat it up.

The problem is that, aside from those songs, there’s a generic
sound to them. None of the other songs stand out. Some feature some
quirky sonic punches, but you will be out of luck if you try to
remember them. Not only that, but the songs just flow from one to
the other to the other. They stop and differentiate only at the
point where you recognize the single and that is it.

This album will be played – along with countless others – at
large raves and at parties. It’s good for that. However, if you try
to sit and find any deepness to it, you are looking at the wrong
centerfold. At best, throw it in and dance–you’ll sing to the
songs you know and not care about the rest.

Rating: C

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