Regaining Unconsciousness – Jason Thornberry

Regaining Unconsciousness
Fat Wreck Chords, 2003
Reviewed by Jason Thornberry
Published on Apr 15, 2003

A band who shuns the media with insularity and a fixed
opposition to suck-sess is more quote-unquote “punk” by that idea
alone, so they could be playing toe-tappin’ countrified tunes about
sowing your oats, but NOFX would still be the real ‘ting to me, and
with this short release, a justifiably cynical appetizer to their
The War On Errorism album, you get Fat Mike, El Hefe,
Melvin, and drummer Smelly fiddling with clichés while
laughing at the “scene” on “Medio-core” (“how was the band, they
were okay — not great, but pretty good – they played the songs I
knew they would, some old some new, same formula stays true we can
concur”), yet when it all ends the whiff of creative disgust stays
in the room with you until their Rock Against Bush tour visits your
college campus, and you’ll get to see the most spot-on-tight, and
seriocomic speed-rock (new genre) laid to wax since, well, their
last album.

Rating: A

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