Race – Christopher Thelen

Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Jan 17, 1999

Here’s a quick warning for anyone who still lives in the “O.J.
Trial” mentality: Don’t listen to the album
Race if the word “nigger” offends you.

Mr. Paul Mooney, a comic whose influence has been quietly felt
for a long time now (especially in the work of Richard Pryor),
might shock some people with his usage of the word. Being an
African-American, one might think that he would be the last person
in the world to use it. But in his no-holds-barred style of comedy
(which calls into question many forms of prejudice), not only is
Mooney not afraid to use the word, but he’s also quick to slam
and blacks for the stupid things we all do.

Such an attitude might be controversial. But I find it
refreshing — and, speaking from the viewpoint of a white male, no,
I’m not offended by some of the things Mooney has to say about
whites. If one is truthful about it, Mooney is actually harder on
blacks than whites.
Race was an album that suckered me in with some of the
titles of the bits, and it still remains a disc I listen to often,
six years after its release.

What is it about Mooney that I find so hilarious? Maybe it’s the
way he mocks the stereotype of the word “nigger” (“White people
make up the word… then don’t want me to say it.”). Maybe it’s the
way he takes even-handed shots at some of the stars of 1993, from
Hammer (“I didn’t think I’d live this long to see [someone] dance
for a piece of chicken.”) to Woody Allen. Maybe it’s the
give-and-take he has with his audience, even with those who
apparently did not enjoy his on-stage act.

Whatever the case,
Race dares to call the shots as Mooney sees them. And for
the most part, each shot hits the mark. Sure, Mooney isn’t as
sterilized with his comedy as someone like Bill Cosby was/is — and
that’s why I’m thankful that such an album was made. Anyone can
recognize the cultural differences and similarities that we all
share. Mooney glorifies as many as he can fit in a short time, all
done with the same amount of irreverence he shows throughout his

Race is a comedy album that challenges all of its listeners,
no matter what race you are, to think. And while it’s not one for
the kiddies, Mooney belongs on a pedestal with the likes of George
Carlin in that both were not afraid to face the slings and arrows
of criticism because they talked about subjects not normally
discussed in the open. Mooney reminds us what freedom of speech is
about – and we all should be thankful for that.

Rating: B+

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