Psycho Beach Party – Christopher Thelen

Psycho Beach Party
Unforscene / Nettwerk Records, 2000
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Mar 20, 2001

Dick Dale is alive and well… and the spirit of his
beach-party-from-hell music has turned into a movie about – well, a
beach party from hell.

Psycho Beach Party is a soundtrack that will surprise you in
just how kitschy and catchy it is. Almost having a Tex-Mex flavor,
the score that was created by Ben Vaughn sounds like it could have
been lifted from any movie in the ’60s. He has captured the essence
of the genre well – and could be in line to become one of the next
kings of this style of music.

He’ll have some tough competition, judging from the selection of
guest artists who appear on this soundtrack. (Did this film
ever make it to America?) Los Straitjackets seem to have the
throne well in hand, turning in two absolutely stunning
performances, “Tailspin” and “Tempest”. But even Los Straitjackets
have to fend off the musical power of such groups as The Halibuts
(“Night Crawler”), The Fathoms (“Overboard”) and Four Piece Suit
(“Bombasteroid”). You might never have heard of these groups, but
after just one listen to
Psycho Beach Party, you’ll want to hear more.

Of course, something needs to serve as the glue that holds these
performances together – and Vaughn’s score is just that.
Admittedly, the score doesn’t serve the purpose of shaping the
action of the movie (it’s hard to be sad when you’re playing surf
music), but tracks such as “Chicklet Wipes Out,” “Mournful Surfers”
and “Neenie’s Famous Weenies” are so infectious, you don’t much

Psycho Beach Party is so well packaged, it could easily
stand on its own just as a collection of surf music to put on the
stereo on a cold winter day. I happened to be freezing my ass off
in the Pierce Memorial Archives before I slapped this disc in the
player. The next thing I knew, I was dangling my feet in the surf –
okay, it was the bathtub, gimme a break – and lounging in my chair
(the less you think about that, the better), a margarita in my hand
and zinc oxide on my nose. (At least, I
think it was zinc oxide; later in the day, I saw a tube of
Pepsodent on the sink.) This is the kind of music that helps to
warm the blood, making almost any winter day more bearable.

Even if you’ve never seen the movie,
Psycho Beach Party is a wonderful assortment of tunes that
helps to remind people that surf music is not dead – and is still
as enjoyable in today’s form as it was back in the ’60s.

2001 Christopher Thelen and “The Daily Vault”. All rights
reserved. Review or any portion may not be reproduced without
written permission. Cover art is the intellectual property of
Unforscene / Nettwerk Records, and is used for informational
purposes only.

Rating: A

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