Poindexter Presents: Five Little Monkeys And Other Kidstuff – Jeff Clutterbuck

Poindexter Presents: Five Little Monkeys And Other Kidstuff
Yoga Monkey Music, 2005
Reviewed by Jeff Clutterbuck
Published on Sep 29, 2005

In the many reviews I’ve written for the Vault, this was the
first time that a children’s album got my listening attention. To
be honest, I’ve always avoided doing these kind of reviews, because
they are so different from the normal album. However, after giving
Five Little Monkeys… a chance, it turns out I might
have been missing out.

This album isn’t
Dark Side Of The Moon and it isn’t supposed to be. This CD
was created for kids, and it succeeds admirably in that purpose.
Who would have though that learning about polar bears or manatees
could be so entertaining? I played this for my mom, who is a first
grade teacher. Not only did her kids enjoy it, but she did too.
That is the sign of a great kids’ album; it doesn’t drive adults

Major props have to be given to Fran Snyder for investing some
creativity into this album. Besides the hilarious, shredding guitar
playing polar bear Poindexter (maybe the Eagles could pick him up,
they could use a personality in the band), the music here is well
done. If you took away the lyrics and voices, this wouldn’t sound
like what most people consider a kids album to sound like. I could
hear “Five Little Monkeys” coming from someone out there in the
hip-hop world. The vocals for all the different animals capture
that “essence” of the animal; my favorites have to be Poindexter
and Hugh Manatee.

Are there any missteps? Not really.
Five Little Monkeys is short, which helps its cause
tremendously. For once, I actually applause the inclusion of kids
on an album; it’s cute to hear the kids singing along on songs such
as “Flyswatter Soup.” In fact, you could make the argument they
help make the song even better. Even the only “normal” song on the
album maintains the same level of quality. That track would be
“Callie’s Lullaby.” Dedicated to the girl who inspired
Five Little Monkeys, it’s a ballad that would touch even the
most hardened cynic.

For the past few days, I have found myself humming the refrains
to some of these songs over and over again. That tells me two
things; that it was a good album and, more than that, it was a fun
listen. The kids will love it.

Rating: A

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