Please… Die! – Paul Hanson

Please... Die!
Century Media Records, 2002
Reviewed by Paul Hanson
Published on Mar 15, 2002

There’s a blurb on the back of my promo copy of the Carnal Forge
Please . . . Die! that begins with these sentences below.
Usually, I don’t quote presskit verbiage because the purpose of a
presskit is simply to get me, the reviewer, excited about a given
release. I’ve gotten plenty of releases that were described as
“breakthrough” and “most awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping” in the
presskit, only to really suck, to consider myself jaded. That said,
consider these sentences:

“There’s no need to wait any longer for the thrash revival to
occur – it’s upon us, and in full force. Why wait around for the
old heroes of yesterday to rise from their rocking chairs and
reunite, and why have their vintage overshadowed by the nagging
feeling that they were much better Back in the Day? Older generals
mayhave formulated the original battle plans, but it’s youth that
always leads the charge.”

Yeah, right. This release is going to blow my mind.

So I looked at the song titles. “Butchered, Slaughtered,
Strangled, Hanged,” “Hand of Doom” and “Totalitarian Torture” are
three of the first four song titles. Okay, these guys from Sweden
look serious, per their press picture. Plenty of tattoos and long

Put the CD in.

Thrash is back baby and it likes it hard, fast, and furious. It
doesn’t want a quickie, it wants an orgasm that lasts from sunset
to sunrise and back. Carnal Forge deliver the goods with this
release. “B S S H” starts the CD out – a heart monitor going
flatline – and then the onslaught begins. Vocalist Jonas Kjellgren
is torqued way tight as he unleashes his intense lyrics. Guitarists
Jari Kuusisto and Petri Kuusisto construct guitar riffs and bassist
Lars Linden and drummer Stefan Westerberg nail the lower register
down with precision. Westerberg is fast and precise.

But given the presskit boasting, how does it compare to an “old
hero” release? It’d be too easy to judge early Metallica, Slayer,
Anthrax, and Megadeth releases as being “good for their day, but .
. . you know,
Kill ‘Em All is nearly 20 years old. The presskit is right.”
And the presskit
is right. This release is impressive. Rather than compare
the release to the Four That Wrote the Book of Thash, let’s look at
what is different. First of all, this CD doesn’t have a single
standout track. There’s not a “Whiplash” or “Lucretia” (my favorite
‘deth song on
Rust In Peace) or “War Ensemble” or “Indians” – – thrash
classics that stand out.

Rather the entire CD is song after song of blistering force.
Second, at the same time that the songs all stand out, there is a
lack of compassion that you might expect from Anthrax’s “Indians.”
There’s no “we’re sorry for the situation” or any remorse. Hell,
there’s a song called “Please . . . Die” and another called
“Welcome To Your Funeral.” Third, and finally, the songs are
shorter in length. When I think of thrash, I think of a song like
“Master of Puppets” that has a theme, a variation of the theme, a
return to the theme, a lead, and a closing section. These songs
that Carnal Forge have put together are more sonic blasts. Sure,
there’s verse/chorus/verse structures (as with almost all songs)
but a CF song blasts so long and hard that you lose the identity of
different sections.

Carnal Forge, according to their presskit, have two other CDs
available. I am on my way now to look for them.

Rating: A

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