Piedmont – Pete Crigler

Vernon Yard Records, 1995
Reviewed by Pete Crigler
Published on Mar 9, 2019

I don’t think you could find a more obscure band than The Seymores. Coming straight out of Richmond, VA, the rootsy/alternarock four piece signed with Vernon Yard, a label also home to The Verve, Low, and Acetone. So, they definitely stood out quite a bit. Their music is best described as honest, basic rock with some touches of distortion.

Opening track “Red Snapper” is a good, standard run of the mill rock song that doesn’t really stand out but it doesn’t suck either. It’s just kind of there and you like it while it’s happening but don’t really remember too much about it afterwards. Singer David Fera has got a voice that seems tailor made for this sort of rock and or roll: not too flashy or bombastic but not boring either, it just fits the band’s sound and songs exceptionally well. A good example would be “Kronkite,” just a standout that really perks up the ears.

Not everything here is a winner. Some songs like “Bonecrusher” and “Pinhead” are just too long, never really going anywhere and are just dull. “Arcade Boy” is a surprising detour into some punk elements which may be off-putting at first but really help the song be significant. There are some really interesting tracks here and some that are just wildly average.

Closing track “Drywall” is The Seymores’ defining moment. Driven by a simple riff, perfectly laidback drumming, lyrics that evoke the olden times of Richmond and David Fera’s perfect voice, this song is just dynamite. Unfortunately, it’s hampered by including two minutes of a song covered in feedback and distortion that takes away the power of “Drywall.” It’s just a song that I cannot get enough of and was hooked on from the first listen. Just check it out on YouTube and you’ll discover its power.

The Seymores main claim to fame was appearing in a Dockers commercial sometime in the late ‘90s. They made one more record that went nowhere; they soon split and the members scattered. But if you are digging through a 25 cent bargain bin and discover this disc, just purchase it. You won’t be able to find it digitally and you’ll definitely feel like you’ve done something good with your life.

Rating: B

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