Phantoms – Duke Egbert

Geffen Records, 1984
Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on Jun 15, 2020

I’ve always found The Fixx an interesting little band. While they were billed as New Wave during their 1980s heyday, they never quite fit that niche; they were too fond of bringing in fripperies and alterations from other musical styles ranging from goth to progressive to electronica (and this was in the days of the dinosaurs, O Ye DV Faithful, when we didn’t know what electronica was). Their lyrics could turn a phrase that would leave your eyebrows raised. In short, I find them interesting. What more reason to write about them?

I had a copy of Phantoms, their 1984 album for years, but it vanished over the course of a few moves. The other day, I rediscovered it on A Musical Source That Shall Not Be Named, dusted it off metaphorically, and gave it a listen.

Bluntly, I think this is the most interesting album from “classic” The Fixx. I was never a huge fan of their big hits, “One Thing Leads To Another” or “Saved By Zero;” in the end, I found those songs to be lacking in substance. On Phantoms, their sound became more complex and darker, and the lyrical complexity was turned up a notch (“We all breath the same air // But we die for the airspace” being a favorite). The production, by ‘80s icon Rupert Hine, is crystalline and crisp; there’s a good bit of Yamaha DX-7 scattered all over this baby.

Songs? There the quality is a bit uneven. The highlights are “Are We Ourselves?” (which was a US Top 15 hit), the funky intro of “Lose Face,” the mad syncopation on “Question,” and the eerie “Phantom Living.” But it’s not all roses here: “Wish,” “Lost In Battle Overseas,” and “In Suspense” never quite come together. If Phantoms has a weakness, it’s in its cohesiveness. The sound is smooth and even, but the styles and songwriting can sometimes be like a train wreck in slow motion.

So is Phantoms worth a listen? Definitely, if your taste runs to the more clinical end of ‘80s pop. It’s got some gems, some dross, and some mediocrity. You could do worse.

Rating: B-

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