Painton, A Picture – Christopher Thelen

Painton, A Picture
Overdub Records, 1998
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Jun 1, 1999

I’ve said it before on these pages, and I’ll say it again now: I
absolutely hate giving unsigned artists bad reviews, simply because
they are the ones trying to claw their way up the ladder of
recognition, and I don’t like being one person who tries to kick
them back to the ground level.

Then, I get packages from artists like Jim Painton, who
challenge me to, in Painton’s words, “…give it to me with both
barrels.” Too bad he didn’t give me a reason to fire off the
shotgun, ’cause his disc
Painton, A Picture is actually quite pleasing to listen

A collection of songs he’s written over the course of his life,
Painton finally entered the studio to put his life’s dream into
reality. And while the disc gets off to an uneven start (the weird
chord progressions on “The Eddie Fan Club” were a bit much to get
used to, despite the obvious Frank Zappa influence), Painton
quickly gains momentum and doesn’t let up for almost the entire

Painton proves himself throughout this disc to not only be a
master at self-deprecating humor (“Girls From High School”,
“”Consider Me”) and love songs (“The Moon Is You”, “Love Is To Be
Shared,” “Wife”). Shifting styles seems as natural to Painton as
changing one’s shoes; the listener will hardly notice the shift in
focus on this disc.

Painton also serves as a social commentator, whether he means to
or not, on tracks like “Cybergirl” (our growing dependence on the
Internet for social interaction) and “Coney Island” (memories, both
good and bad, of the legendary amusement park). Whatever his
intention, Painton is able to create a solid mental picture for the
listener; even if you’ve never been to Coney Island, Painton almost
makes you feel like you’re in the center of things.

Sure, sometimes the album sounds a little robotic; I would have
preferred to have heard more acoustic instruments like drums (if
they’re on
Painton, A Picture, I don’t see them credited in the liner
notes). Still, for an album that basically is comprised of one
man’s passion for music, he does a very admirable job of compiling
a lifetime into under an hour.

Painton, A Picture is the type of disc you wouldn’t
necessarily pay a lot of attention to on the first glance – but the
music on it proves that it’s worth quite a bit of your

Rating: B

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