October (EP) – Paul Hanson

October (EP)
Independent release, 2010
Reviewed by Paul Hanson
Published on May 14, 2010

It's a lazy Sunday afternoon, so you're sitting outside in a lawn chair. The sun shines and in the background of this scene, the music of Duc'N It Easy plays. While Duc’N It Easy (vocalist/rhythm guitarist Antonio Casasanta, lead guitarist Steve Rice, bassist Dan Beauchamp, and drummer Steve Paddock, along with guest pianist Kevin Hennessey) may make you think about a lazy day, there’s nothing remotely lazy about the musicianship that is put on display throughout the six songs on this EP.

“Little Games” introduces the band with a train sound effect that collapses into an acoustic guitar melody that collapses into the entire lineup joining in that collapses into Casasanta singing that collapses into Steve Rice’s guitar solo that collapses into a musical workout for just over seven minutes. “Fallin’ From Grace” starts with Beauchamp’s bass introducing the song, followed by the guitars and piano joining in. This is considerably shorter, 3:28, and is perhaps a bit more focused than “Little Games.” The way the guitars and vocals harmonize is interesting.

Title track “October” is good as well, with a subtle introduction. Casasanta hits a high note immediately prior to the guitar solo that is on-key and powerful. Things go a little off-track with “Whiskey & Peanuts.” The familiar theme that everyone from Nickelback down has tackled is addressed here: drinking. After a scorching Rice guitar solo, it sounds like Casasanta could have come up with better lyrics than “If you see me / Well don’t be shy / Just grab a beer / And let’s get real high.” It’s the band’s fault that I cringe when I hear these lyrics. They are right at the end of the song and after Rice’s scorching solo,  I was let down. I felt like they could have done better. The final tracks are more in line with the first three so it’s more musical exploration with interesting results.

I spent a lot of time with this band and I think you will, too. The guitar work is an overlay for the rest of the group to lay a solid foundation.

Rating: B

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