Nightmare At Maple Cross – Mark Kadzielawa

Nightmare At Maple Cross
HNE Recordings Ltd., 1986
Reviewed by Mark Kadzielawa
Published on Feb 28, 2017

Nightmare At Maple Cross marks Girlschool's entry into the second half of the ‘80s. The lineup at the time included McAuliffe, Dufort, Weston, and Bonaci. Only McAuliffe and Dufort are still with the band currently. The album itself is fine return to form. The band is back to the sound we came to know them for: pure rock ‘n’ roll with no additives. The only bad thing is the awful album cover, but at this point it's too late to change. Another surprise here is a cover of Mud's “Tiger Feet.”  It's a good cover, but probably the most commercial part of the record. 

Girlschool is a band that never gave up. Despite the trends that came and went, they stuck to their guns and maintained their identity. When this album was released, thrash metal ruled the scene. Everyone was getting heavier. It was like a race to see who can play the fastest. And then there were bands like Girlschool who went about their business like nothing happened, but managed to survive and still tour and record to this day. How did they make it? There was always a substance to what the ladies were doing!

It's a little forgotten record, but the band rocks hard here. It was a difficult album to find on this side of the Atlantic, so this reissue is very welcomed. GWR Records is no more, too, and that's who originally released the album. The booklet is very informative about the timeframe that this disc was issued. It's hard to believe 30 years passed since this release, but it still does what it intended to do – it rocks!  The band was very active in the last few years, so this reissue is a welcomed addition to already large catalog.

Rating: B

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