Monkey Steals The Peach – Christopher Thelen

Monkey Steals The Peach
Independent release, 2000
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Jan 5, 2001

It’s not often that a band leaves me confused. Normally, I can
see what a group’s musical vision was, even if I don’t grasp other
aspects of the band’s work. It’s not always the easiest thing to
do, but after doing this in one form or another for 15 years, you
tend to get good at it.

Then, there comes New Jersey-based Narcoleptics and their
sophomore release
Monkey Steals The Peach. This quartet reminds me a lot of
early Nirvana in many ways, most notably in the angst and cacophony
of their music. What confuses me about them is not merely the fact
that I don’t know what their goal is with their music or what
vocalist/guitarist Marc Rosato is screaming about. No, what
confuses me is that I don’t know why I like them… I just do.

The band – Rosato, guitarist/vocalist Rich Galster,
bassist/vocalist Kevin Vickers and drummer John Canal – are an
interesting amalgam of punk fury, alternative wanderlust and hard
rock power. Sound like an interesting combination? It is. But what
makes it special is that Narcoleptics don’t directly lift their
sound from any other band who have dragged a Marshall stack across
the stage before. I say part of their sound is like early
Nirvana… but it certainly doesn’t sound like a clone of

Monkey Steals The Peach is more than a competent album…
which is where my confusion begins. I’d love to be able to
understand what some of the fury in Rosato’s vocals is based on. I
know that a false arrest was the catalyst for the song “I’m Not
Going To Jail For You Or For Anybody” (which we learn from their
on-line bio), but I’d love to know just what Rosato is saying in
this song. (There are lyrics of sorts provided in the liner notes,
but they are crammed into a run-on sentence that would make George
Bernard Shaw proud.)

Narcoleptics have great song titles – “You Can’t Polish A Turd,”
“I Know It’s Wrong (But It Feels So Right)”, “Sweet Tarts And Anal
Rape” – but there is something lost on me when I can’t visualize
what Rosato is ranting about. I’m not suggesting that he change his
vocal style… but the band might want to consider providing lyrics
that are easier to follow. Believe me, there are some of us out
there who take the time to read liner notes.

Monkey Steals The Peach is a rarity, in that I can’t easily
explain why I like this disc. But I do know this kind of uncertain
enjoyment can be contagious – meaning Narcoleptics won’t be a local
secret for long.

Rating: B

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