Memphis In The Morning – Duke Egbert

Memphis In The Morning
Shanachie Records, 2001
Reviewed by Duke Egbert
Published on May 26, 2001

Mem Shannon, at first glance, is more likely to be a character
in a Jimmy Buffett novel than an actual musician. Anyone who became
a bluesman after quitting life as a New Orleans cab driver is going
to seem a little larger than life.

This is most probably a good thing, given that Shannon’s voice
and talent are pretty larger than life things. This CD, Shannon’s
fourth, was the first one recorded outside his home town of New
Orleans; this time, he rolled on up the river to Memphis and
historic Ardent Studios, a location that has seen everyone from
B.B. King and Bob Dylan to 3 Doors Down lay down new tracks.
Shannon says in his liner notes that it was weird
to be so far from home, to not be able to call up his
Crescent City buddies and polish up a track or two. If this is
weird, give me more of it.
Memphis In The Morning is a delight.

The first thing you notice is Shannon’s voice; rich, deep, and
expressive, a Mississippi River of expression. He’s fond of twists
of language in his music, and he handles the precise phrasing and
diction needed for songs like that with delicacy and proficiency.
His guitar playing is a lot like B.B. King, which is no surprise
given that Shannon counts King as his greatest influence. The
production on the CD is excellent, crystal clear and unmuddled;
Shanachie may have started out life as a reggae label, but more and
more it’s obvious that they’re putting out some pretty damn fine
sounding blues as well.

“So,” I hear the DV Faithful asking, “pretty language, Duke. But
is it any good? Does it capture the essential experience of the
blues? Does it, in a nutshell, kick out the jams?” And I can
answer, proudly, “Yep”.
Memphis In The Morning is a fine, fine collection of blues

Tracks of note include the hilariously funny “S.U.V.” (nominee
for Line Of The Year: “I’m sick of these SOBs, they’re driving
these SUVs,…”), a great cover of B.B. King’s “Why I Sing The
Blues”, the wistful “Tired Arms”, “You Belong To Him”,
“Unconditional Love” (which sounds a lot like a lost Barry White
tune), and the infectious “Shake Up The Floor”. There’s no miscues
on the CD, in and of itself a rarity; Shannon may have been on the
road, but he hit a home run while he was there.

Memphis In The Morning is an excellent album of electric
blues, and fans of the genre should grab it up immediately.

Rating: A

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