Meditations – Christopher Thelen

Desert Rock Records, 2000
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Mar 30, 2001

So how far behind
am I here at the Pierce Memorial Archives? Sometimes I come
across a disc with a note, “Per our discussion”… and I don’t even
remember what we discussed. (Yeah, like
that claim will fly in front of the House Subcommittee.)
This was the case with
Mediations from guitarist C Lanzbom. But one listen to this
disc and I knew that I had to have had a good reason to have wanted
this disc, because it’s incredible.

Mixing the gentle reflective nature of new age (not that
pseudo-jazz mess that became popular in the ’80s) with the
occasional hint of Jewish folk music in the mix.
Meditations is a wonderfully charming CD that will please
fans of well-written, well-performed guitar music.

Normally, such a collection of music would stand on its own
without any additional instrumentation. In this album’s case,
including bassist Darren Solomon, harpist Park Stickney, violinist
Miri Ben-Ari, flutist Darius Kaufmann and drummer Mark Ambrosino
actually helps to build the sonic sculpture that these 12 songs

Lanzbom proves to be a stellar guitarist, more interested in
creating a rich melody than impressing the listener with flashy
acoustic solos. Admittedly, he does give himself some room to step
from the melody on these songs, but he never becomes gaudy in his
performances. Two words: nice touch.

Tracks like “We Can Begin” and “Song For Cindy” set a mood that
carries the listener through gently, allowing them to be enveloped
by the music. In a similar vein, tracks like “Ode Yishoma” and
“Mizmor L’David” revel in their roots of Judaic folk without ever
making anyone feel like they’re outsiders to this music. I am not
Jewish, yet I could feel the joy this music poured forth through
Lanzbom’s performances.

Some people might look at this disc and be scared away by
foreign-looking titles. Relax;
Mediataions is simply an album of soothing guitar music that
reaches out to all people and offers them an hour-long break from
the real world. It might be taking a leap of faith for some people,
but they will quickly hear that they have indeed landed on their

Lanzbom is a talented musician whose skills on the guitar
suggest he is one of the instrument’s unheralded players.
Meditations is proof of that, and is more than worthy of
your time. If this disc provides a vacation from reality, book me
out for two weeks.

Rating: A-

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