Marwood (EP) – Jason Warburg

Marwood (EP)
Independent release, 2005
Reviewed by dvadmin
Published on Jan 13, 2006

With influences ranging from the Crow(e)s (Black and
Counting) to Squeeze to the Stones, Marwood fuses classic rock
riffs with singer-songwriter sensitivity, creating a sound that’s
instantly appealing, if perhaps not yet fully formed.

This EP, recorded by Dave McNair (Los Lobos, Soul
Asylum) captures six tracks that carry a rich, organic sound, as if
they were recorded live. Sweet riffs abound and the tunes are
thoughtfully crafted. The New York-based band is/was Benji Rogers
(vocals, guitar), Rob Overbey (guitars/vocals), Brett Conti
(bass/vocals) and Mike Talbot (drums). (“Is/was” reflects the fact
that the latest updates to the band’s site indicate Rogers is
forging ahead as a solo artist under the name Marwood, with a
rotating cast of players behind him.)

“Can’t Say” starts things off in full-throated Black
Crowes style, a driving riff propelling the band forward. It isn’t
long, though, before you get a taste of the soft-hard dynamics that
flow through much of this album, as the band throws in a
right-down-to-the-vocals breakdown before barreling back in full
force. Used once or twice, this can be a very effective technique;
Marwood seems to rely on it a bit too often here.

The second track, ‘Soulless” feels like a natural
single, with a tasty, stabbing hook anchoring the choruses, solid
vocals and an acerbic, perceptive jaded-love lyric. This one earned
repeated listens.

Track three, “Name To Me No More,” is where the band
stumbles. The song itself is solid enough – another soft-hard
confection — but Rogers tries singing the choruses in a falsetto
that feels so far out of his natural register that it grates.
Belting out the verses, he sounds great; I just cringed whenever
the verse came around. “Reconsider” generated a similar reaction —
great verses, but the chorus finds Rogers straining outside his
natural register and sounding slightly off-key at times.

“Monday Over Friday,” a rather Train-like ballad, is
the song the group has been featuring, even cutting a video for it,
and it’s easy to understand why. Here Rogers’ in-and-out of
falsetto vocals on the chorus work well, and the song itself has a
sweet acoustic hook that the band uses to dig a nice groove. The
final track, “Fallin’,” feels a little out-of-sync with the Stonesy
grind of earlier tunes, an even gentler acoustic ballad that tries
to soar and doesn’t quite get there.

This EP is a solid piece of work that suggests
Marwood may be just a step away from the big time. Rogers is a
talented songwriter/frontman; he just needs to consider whether it
makes more sense to play to his solid rock voice or keep messing
around with the soft-hard-falsetto thing. I vote the former — and
will keep watching Marwood with interest to see what develops

[For more information on Marwood, visit]

Rating: B-

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