Make It Rain – Christopher Thelen

Make It Rain
Alligator Records, 2001
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Jul 6, 2001

Sometimes, I’ll get an e-mail or a phone call from one of my
publicist friends, wondering why it’s taken me so long to get to a
particular disc. Sometimes, it’s that I get so swamped that I can’t
bump that disc any higher up the ladder without pissing someone
else off. Other times, when I do listen to the disc, I find myself
thinking that I missed something important… so I go back and keep
listening to it until I find what I didn’t hear before, or at least
explain what was missing in the first place.

Case in point. I have spent the better part of a month listening
Make It Rain, the sophomore album (and first release on
Alligator) from blues guitarist/singer Michael Burks. And for some
reason, I just don’t see myself getting excited by this

Oh, it’s not that Burks is a subpar guitarist or vocalist; he
proves throughout the 12 tracks on this disc he can hold his own
well. But there is something lacking in this recording – namely,
raw emotion – that keeps the album from becoming anything

Burks does try to keep the listener on their toes by kicking
things off with an eclectic rhythm pattern to “Hit The Ground
Running”… if only the album did just that. This is an early
warning sign for
Make It Rain, suggesting that Burks was going through the
motions on this one.

And it’s not that Burks can’t pull a stellar performance out of
his hat. Tracks like “Everybody’s Got Their Hand Out,” “Thank God
For Fools” and “Voodoo Spell” all show the potential that Burks –
and this disc – have. But these moments don’t come often enough to
save things in the long run.

I don’t doubt that Burks has the power in him to turn in a
performance that would make the paint peel. It could well be that
Burks’s power comes out in the live show, and any studio recording
just doesn’t do him justice. (I haven’t seen Burks in concert, so I
can’t vouch for this.) But
Make It Rain, while having its moments, isn’t the best
vehicle for Burks’s talents. If you’re looking for the must-have
blues disc for this year,
Make It Rain sometimes feels like you’re crossing the desert
with an empty canteen.

Rating: C+

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