Love Tattoo – Christopher Thelen

Love Tattoo
Ripe & Ready Records, 1999
Reviewed by Christopher Thelen
Published on Oct 11, 2000

Have you ever bought an album or a CD strictly for the
packaging, then been disappointed when the music encased inside
turned out to be terrible? Maybe this isn’t as common as it used to
be as CDs creep up towards the $20 list price, but I’m sure there
is still the occasional impulse buy that occurs thanks to the

In the case of
Love Tattoo, the second release from independent group
Amelia’s Dream, I almost never got past the “oh-my-God” packaging
and artwork. Once I finally put the CD in my player, I waited to
see if the music could live up to the visual hype. Enter
“oh-my-God” moment number two, as the music delivered its

The core of the band – Amelia Gewirtz and Harold Stephan – are
musically at a crossroads. On one side, they seem to love the
gentleness of the ballads and the sheer power the words can have
over the softer rhythms. On the other hand, Amelia’s Dream is a
band ready to kick out the jams, and they appear ready to turn up
their amplifiers. This is the only real moment on
Love Tattoo which is a bit unsettling; they do both musical
forms well, but I question whether we needed to hear nouveau disco
with “Fire In My Heart (re-mix)”. It’s a good mix, to be sure, but
it just sounds so out of place in comparison.

Fortunately, this is the only mis-step, and it’s hardly a major
Love Tattoo is as intriguing as it is enthralling musically;
from the light pop of “Footprints” to the trippiness of their cover
of Santana’s “Evil Ways,” from the raw honesty of “The Aisle With
You” to the declaration of independence on “Footprints,” Gewirtz
and Stephan make sure that Amelia’s Dream burns their impression on
your brain. (Don’t be surprised if more than once you feel like
you’ve heard them before.)

Gewirtz’s voice is enigmatic as well, changing its power and
depth as effortlessly as a chameleon. At one moment, she sounds
like a more mature Jewel; at other times, she has the ethereal
beauty of someone like Heather Nova or Lisa Loeb. It’s quirky and
serious, both at the same time, and it’s infectious. Listen to
songs like “Trust Your Gut” and “Push The Button” and try walking
away without somehow being affected by these songs. You can’t do
it. I’ve tried.

Sure, some people might not get past the eye candy of
Love Tattoo‘s cover art; let them ogle away, since it’s
their loss that they can’t find the strength to get to the music.
Those who experience this disc will understand that the cover art
is itself an extension of the music – simple yet complex, soft with
a cutting edge. I swear, one more reference like this, and someone
from The New Yorker is going to sue me for plagiarism. But it’s all
true, and Amelia’s Dream is a band able to deliver the goods.
Love Tattoo is proof of this, and is a disc that whispers at
the top of its lungs to be noticed. Heed the call, buy the disc,
and start saying “oh-my-God” for yourself.

Rating: A

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